
The backend App of MagoEat App Includes mobile features and dashboard/admin features

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MagoEat App - Backend

Tech stacks

  1. NodeJs - ExpressJs
  2. Database: MongoDB
  3. ORM: Mongoose
  4. Validation: Joi
  5. Authentication & Authoriwation: JsonWebToken
  6. SMS System: Twilio

Get Started

⚠️ This is a personal project, to contribute, feel free to contact the author and request to contribute, with the author's authorization, this project can be forked


Before stating contributing to this project, kindly make sure you master one of the specified tech stacks To get a copy of this project you need:

  1. Install NodeJs cli in your computer
  2. At least one code editor installed
  3. At least one testing tool for the backend Postman is a best example


  1. Clone this repo
    $ git clone https://github.com/pacyL2K19/magoEat-BackendV1.git
  2. Go to the directory
    $ cd magoEat-BackendV1
  3. Install all the packages
    $ npm install
  4. Generate your .env file following the .sample.env template
  5. Run the project
    $ npm run start 

At this point the project should run at http://localhost:YOUR_PORT

  1. Start contribuiting by creating a branch following the Git Workflow specifying the feature you need to add to the project ex: feature/add_custom_restaurants_model
  2. Create a Pull request from your branch to the development branch
  3. [Optional] Notify the owner to consider your contribution

Test routes

1. User's routes

  • [POST] Login: To login in the app
  • path: api/auth/login
  • Authorization: No
  • body:
        username: String[Required]
        password: String[Required]
  • [POST] Signup: To create a user account
  • path: api/auth/signup
  • Authorization: No
  • body:
        username: String[Required]
        password: String[Required]
        confirmPassword: String[Required]
        phone: Number[Required]
        email: String[Required] // email address
        avatarUrl: String[Optional]
        verified: Boolean[Default]
        role: String[Default]
  • [PUT] Update: Updates users infor
  • [GET] Get list of users:
  • [GET] Get list of owners:

2. Orders routes

  • Get all the orders:
  • Get orders by users:
  • Get orders by restaurants:
  • Cancel an order:
  • update order status:
  • Rate an order:
  • Get full history of orders by user:

3. Restaurants

  • Get full list of restaurants
  • Update Restaurant informations
  • Hold a restaurant
  • Get restaurant menu
  • Delete a restaurant

4. Items (Repas in the App context)

  • Create an item:
  • Delete an item
  • Put Coupon

Full API documentation


Project structure

|── src/
    ├── constatnts/
        ├── status-code.js
    ├── controllers/
        ├── category.controller.js
        ├── order.controller.js
        ├── repas.controller.js
        ├── restau.controller.js
        ├── users.controller.js
    ├── middlewares/
        ├── auth.middleware.js
    ├── models/
        ├── category.model.js
        ├── order.model.js
        ├── repas.model.js
        ├── users.model.js
    ├── routes
        ├── auth.routes.js
        ├── order,routes.js
        ├── repas.routes.js
        ├── restaus.routes.js
        ├── users.routes.js
    ├── validators
        ├── category.validators.js
        ├── order.validators.js
        ├── repas.validators.js
        ├── restau.validators.js
        ├── users.validators.js
    ├── app.js
    └── index.js
├── screenshots/
    ├── capst.PNG
├── .gitignore
├── .env (to be recreated)
├── .sample.env
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── eslintrc.json
├── eslintrc.json.
├── README.md


👤 Pacifique Linjanja

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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This project is MIT licensed.