Envision Flutter Assignment


Envision Library is a feature within the Envision app that users a lot after they've scanned a document. It offers them the convenience of storing the scanned documents within the app in an accessible way. This task will be a simple re-implementation of that feature.


You'll find the design for this feature through this figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/mc8Ahvua2SU1sSpFLdchOp/%F0%9F%94%B5-Assignments?node-id=1%3A1011

Instructions on how to approach the UX of the Assignment is also provided on the figma page itself.

Technical Requirements

For the OCR setup please use this POST endpoint: https://letsenvision.app/api/test/readDocument.

Example usage of the API endpoint:

curl --location --request POST 'https://letsenvision.app/api/test/readDocument' \ --header 'Cookie: __cfduid=d97604b6c67574ccd048c013ffbee703a1614774197' \ --form 'photo=@/Users/johndoe/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-02-25 at 23.50.47.png' For more details on the API, here's the Postman link.

Library files will only have to be saved locally for the time being.


This repo should be forked and submitted with the Assignment. The assignment itself doesn't have a hard time limit and shouldn't take more than a few hours to implement. Incase of any questions with regards to the assignment, please write to kk@letsenvision.com