See add_local_pkg_to_registry.jl
With this repo as an example
Go to the script
. -
Using OkRegistrator.jl
(OkRegistry) pkg> up
julia> using OkRegistrator
julia> tryregisterat("../SmallDatasetMaker", pwd())
TODO: intro, docs, and etc.
- write a brief introduction for local registry.
- how it works, when and why it is required
A registry is for registration of packages, it specify the following information:
- compatibility (
) - dependency (
) - package (
) - versions (
Takes YourPackage
as an exemplary package registered in the local registry OkRegistry
specify version by version the compatibility between YourPackage
and julia. For example, when you pkg> add YourPackage
in a machine, only the version of YourPackage
compatible with julia of that machine can be added.
specify what other packages YourPackage
depends; noted that the version ranges stated inside Deps.toml
are those of YourPackage
. The version ranges of dependent packages of YourPackage
is stated in the [compat]
section in the Project.toml
of YourPackage
In final, Package.toml
specify the uuid and the repository url (field repo
) of YourPackage
, and Versions.toml
specify the git-tree-sha
(commit hash) for each version of YourPackage
With reop
and git-tree-sha
, we can have a specific and unique copy in the history of YourPackage
cloned in our machine.
A registered package (saying YourPackage
) has its URL to repository stated in Package.toml
, as well as version--commit-hash pair is stated in Versions.toml
Without these information, YourPackage
can only be added through pkg> "https://github.com/okatsn/YourPackage.jl.git"
for example.
Besides, you can only access the history (a different "version") by git clone [URL]
and then git checkout [commit-hash]
Furthermore, no compatibility check to prevent potential fail of a project relies on YourPackage
and thus difficult to reproduce a certain state.
You should update the registry when YourPackage
has a meaningful change that should be immediately applied by other package/project depends on it through pkg> add
"Meaningful change" is, for example, a new function, fixing a critical bug, redefine API, etc..
It is quite free to choose the timing, especially YourPackage
is majorly for personal or small organizational use.
Conventionally, the time for updating version is likely to be a branch merged to main/master, or a pull request merge.
In general, update the version number of YourPackage
as you want a copy in the history that can be easily accessed under the management of a local/general registry.
Just manually edit Project.toml
Noted that ERROR: Version x.x.x has already been registered and the content has changed.
will occurred if the content of YourPackage
is changed BUT version number in its Project.toml
To avoid frequently updating your registry as well as version number, use pkg> dev
for establishing the dependency between YourPackage
and a certain package or project (YourProject
for example) relies on it.
Feel free to use pkg> dev
. Everything is supposed to work fine if [compat]
in every package is properly set.
For example, there is an other package, namely WhatYourPackageDep
that YourPackage
depends on via pkg> dev
, and YourProject
depends on YourPackage
In this case, YourProject
can still use the latest functionality of WhatYourPackageDep
via YourProject
, as in YourProject
environment, using YourPackage
compile the code of WhatYourPackageDep
at a local path instead (where you can see in the Manifest.toml
of YourPackage
, the git-tree-sha
in [[WhatYourPackageDep]]
is replaced by path
, as dev
sticks a package to the "current state" while add
sticks to "reproducible state").
Do this only once per julia installation.
using Pkg
pkg"registry add https://github.com/okatsn/OkRegistry.git"
pkg> registry up OkRegistry
not tested yet; see https://pkgdocs.julialang.org/v1/registries/
- HolyLabRegistry
- LocalRegistry.jl
- Tips and tricks to register your first Julia package
- Developing Julia Packages by Chris Rackauckas
use Registrator.jl
SSH key always born into a pair, a public and private key. The
SSH commit signature verification
Manually start a ssh agent if
ssh-add -l
printsCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. The agent has no identities.
t2276@DESKTOP-800FKD5$ eval "$(ssh-agent)" Agent pid 1638
With an agent, you can generate a key pair
t2276@DESKTOP-800FKD5$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "okatsn@gmail.com" Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/t2276/.ssh/id_rsa):
for example, you'll get a public keyhello_ssh.pub
and a private keyhello_ssh
Created directory '/c/Users/t2276/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in .ssh/id_rsa/hello_ssh Your public key has been saved in .ssh/hello_ssh.pub
or alternatively like this Also see Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent (this seems to be done only once?)
Print the public key and Add the public key to your Github account
C:\Users\t2276> cat .ssh/hello_ssh.pub ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDKDGia2q0....... ...................................................... ...................................................... HGZOSEFXVP2FjesdBXEqnl8JbsQB4T7pLAw== okatsn@gmail.com
or copy it to clipboard
clip < ~/.ssh/hello_ssh.pub
Tell Telling Git about your (public) SSH key
git config --global user.signingkey 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...pLAw== okatsn@gmail.com'
Next, you have to Adding your SSH Private key to the ssh-agent; check the list using the same
ssh-add -l
.ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa/hello_ssh
Telling Git about your SSH key...TO_BE_CONTINUED
Also see Signing tags
- see the error message: Error: Input required and not supplied: key
- [GitHub Action YAML 撰寫技巧 - 環境變數(Environment Variables) 與 秘密 (Secrets)]https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10263300?sc=iThomeR
- Quickly set up GitHub SSH example
- SSH Keys for GitHub
- 設定 Github SSH 金鑰 feat. Github SSH、HTTPS 的差異
git tag -a vX.X.X
(where this matches the version number you used in Project.toml)
See https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/TagBot
Add Unregisted Package in julia with continious Integration(gitlab-ci)
How to Setup Travis CI with Coveralls for a Julia Package
Travis CI with julia
- https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/julia/
- https://travis-ci.community/t/example-using-travis-ci-for-julia/3306
An example where:
language: julia
email: false
- stage: "Documentation"
julia: 1.5
os: linux
- julia --color=yes --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
- julia --color=yes --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
after_success: skip
Trigger a workflow
on: events_that_trigger_workflows
- run based on what file paths are changed
An organisation to host and maintain GitHub Actions useful for Julia projects. see https://github.com/julia-actions
What is YAML? Learn yaml in Y minutes
An example of Github actions (NOT WORKING YET)
name: TagBot
- created
# see https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#issue_comment
# see https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#workflow_dispatch
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.actor == 'JuliaTagBot'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: JuliaRegistries/TagBot@v1
ssh: ${{ secrets.DOCUMENTER_KEY }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
registry: okatsn/OkRegistry # for custom registry
# If your registry is public, this is all you need to do.
# For more information, see [here](https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/TagBot#custom-registries)