
A one-click front-end for your Wordpress.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WARNING: The current version is very much a WIP, this is NOT DONE (not even close). It will undergo many api modifications in the near future, while you are encouraged to use it, remember the possibility of these changes. The docs are not entirely updated, and there WILL be bugs! You can go and look around the different branchs to find a more working (but old) approach.


Reactpress is a starter-kit to create a Next.js ( SEO-optimized React ) front-end backed by the Wordpress Graphql Plugin. The aim of the repository is to achieve a one-click front-end solution.

Reactpress is built upon Next.js for Server Side Rendering, so if your are not familiar with Next.js, you should take a quick look at it. ⚡



Install and configure Wordpress

// allow CORS
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

Install ReactPress

# start the development server.
yarn dev

By default, reactpress will use a demo API. To connect your own API, create a constants.ts file on the lib folder and add a constant called: WORDPRESS_GRAPHQL_BACKEND so that it points to your wordpress graphql endpoint.

const WORDPRESS_GRAPHQL_BACKEND= "https://www.yourwebsite.com/graphql"

Make sure to insert the correc URL (Pay attention on HTTPS, www redirects, etc...)

If everything is installed correctly you are ready to go.


  • 🧘 SEO Friendly: Server Side Rendered with Next.js.
  • ⚡️ Posts, categories, posts by category and posts by tag.

Planned Features

  • Themes
  • Easy to add plugins (Like Google Analytics, Adsense, etc...)
  • Caching content.


There are several available ways to manage your css with Next.js.

  • You can create classic css files and import them like this in your component :
import "../css/globals.css";

Or approach them the css-in-js way, which is available through styled-components.


# compile for production
yarn build

# start the production server
yarn start

Main contributors: yann-yinn itstimetogoleft