
[ABANDONED] A fuzzy string search library for PHP based on the Bitap algorithm

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


\Dana\Bitap is a minimal PHP implementation of a Bitap fuzzy string-matching algorithm.


This project hasn't been updated in a long time, and i don't think it's very good anyway. I haven't tried it myself, but you might consider using Loilo/Fuse instead.


Two methods are provided: match(), which tests an individual needle string against an individual hay-stack string, and grep(), which tests an individual needle string against an array of hay-stack strings (similar to \preg_grep().

// Returns true
(new \Dana\Bitap\Bitap())->match('foo', 'foobar', 0);

// Returns [0 => 'foobar']
(new \Dana\Bitap\Bitap())->grep('bar', ['foobar', 'foobaz'], 0);

// Returns [0 => 'foobar', 1 => 'foobaz']
(new \Dana\Bitap\Bitap())->grep('bar', ['foobar', 'foobaz'], 1);

To do

  • Make Unicode-safe
  • Provide methods which return the match index(es)