
[INACTIVE] A simple PHP library for parsing/manipulating shell-style variables

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\Dana\ShellConf is a PHP project which provides methods for parsing and manipulating shell-style (specifically bash-style) variable assignments, which can be useful for simple configuration needs. (But see Rationale below.)


Install via Composer:

composer require dana/shellconf

Given a config.sh like this:

# comment here
MYVAR1=foo # another comment here
MYVAR2='foo bar'
MYVAR3="foo \"bar\" baz"

And a config.php like this:


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$conf = new \Dana\ShellConf\ShellConf();

echo json_encode($conf->toArray(), \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";

php config.php produces:

    "MYVAR1": "foo",
    "MYVAR2": "foo bar",
    "MYVAR3": "foo \"bar\" baz"

Useful methods:

  • load($file) — Load config file $file
  • parse($string) — Parse config string $string
  • reset() — Reset any loaded variables between parse() calls
  • set($name, $value) — Create and set variable $name to $value
  • unset($name) — Unset variable $name
  • get($name, $default) — Get the value of variable $name
  • toArray() — Get all loaded variables and their values as an array
  • toString() — Get all loaded variables and their values as a bash-compatible config string (to write to a file for example)


This project is extremely similar to a number of others designed to read 'dotenv' files, but i had some specific goals in mind that didn't necessarily align with theirs:

  • Most of them are focussed on loading files into environment variables, which isn't what i needed. I just want to parse the file, and maybe write it back.

  • Some of them don't seem to handle escaping and unescaping in exactly the same way as bash.

  • Many of them are overly clever for my purposes, supporting things like bash-incompatible extensions, variable interpolation, even command substition, which i don't want.

  • I was interested in some finer-grained methods related to escaping as well as writing bash-compatible lines back out.

For all of those reasons, i decided to write my own implementation. But if you don't care about any of that, you should absolutely check out one of these, much more widely used, projects:

To do

More tests.