Transaction Reports List

A Sample Transactions List Viewer

How to run the project locally

Step 1: Clone this repository:

git clone

Step 2: Install dependencies:

yarn install

Step 3: Run the development server:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Open http://localhost:3000/api/graphql with your browser to open the graphql playground.

Graphql Explorer

Search Criteria

Column Sample data
Alias Don
Receiver 0x786BfF269d10812Ac61c0c197E3Fc4215cabc3d9
Amount 12
Status Success
Type Out
Transaction ID 9984df6-2b71-4788-84fc-314599789492
const sampleData = {
description:"This is a seed sample data",

Filter By

  • Transaction Type: Received | Sent
  • Transaction Status: Pending | Success | Failed

Click on the Received button to see all the transactions that add value to your account, or click on the Sent button to see all transactions that send value to other people from your account. These options are also available on Type

Click on the Pending, Success or Failed Button to see the corresponding status of the transactions in your account.

Sample Search

Sample Search


Additional Info

This project is bootstrapped with Nextjs. I want to make sure both the frontend and backend run on the same server, since Nextjs has the capacity for a full-stack app, I decided to go with it.

Accessible Layout

The Current Layout transactions divs are tabbable and the filter options.


One of the challenges I faced is formating the backend end data such that the frontend can show them grouped by the same date they occur. I solved this by

  • Mapping through the data and giving data on the same date a common date
  • Group the data by the common date
  • Put data with the same date in an array with the key date and data

code location - /utils.ts function name - normalizedTxn

Additional Features

  • Select Element For Filtering: The Status and Type buttons can be substituted with a select element, such that when a user clicks on Status the select options open with pending, success and failed options, a user clicks on an option the select element returns to its normal state, the search operation occurs with the selected option. Same for Type
  • Pagination: This application can be approved by adding pagination to the list of data to improve UX experience.
  • Custom Page Size: Provide a UI for users to customize the page size of the data returning from the backend

Tools And Packages

  • CSS: Tailwind
  • Mock data: Fakerjs
  • Linting: Prettier
  • Cors: Micro Cors
  • Search: Fusejs