AutoClinic aims to digitize the car repair process.
In order to facilitate this process of repairing cars (from failure to washing), AutoClinic offers a system to automate this process.
AutoClinic consists of an Android application for Tablet and a web service.
Expert will use the Android app to check the rugged car and then: Creating a folder (filling information about the car, the customer with photo of the parts to change). Assign employees to a record (Employees who will repair the car). Update a folder (view, delete, and archive). Finally see the progress of a Car repair.
To run this project you will need to :
1- Install Android Studio for Android Developement.
Import "AutoClinic" folder in Android Studio, before running it please follow the next step below.
2- Eclipse well configured to launch SpringBoot Application using Maven.
Import "spring-boot-mysql-hibernate" folder in Eclipse (Clean and Buld the project).
SetUp DataBase informations in "spring-boot-mysql-hibernate/"
3- Launch "spring-boot-mysql-hibernate" application (Verify that the Server is Up and Running).
Finally Enjoy Android App :)
NB : Android App won't work without the server running.