
My Solution to the Backend challenge by Enye

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is my solution to the Backend challenge by Enye

base = base currency

Currency Rates API

You have been tasked with creating a service integration to a public API and exposing a RESTful endpoint. The endpoint will accept requests and returns a modified response schema from the integrated API.

Your application must integrate with the Exchange Rate API to proxy requests

  • Your REST endpoint /api/rates must return a JSON object of the latest currency rates in the following format/schema:
    "results": {
        "base": "",
        "date": "",
        "rates": {

Required Technology


  1. Create an endpoint that accepts a GET request to /api/rates
  2. The /api/rates endpoint must accept the following request query parameter strings
    1. base: the home currency rates to be quoted against (i.e. CZK)
    2. currency: the specific exchange rates based on a comma-separated symbols parameter (i.e. EUR,GBP,USD).
  3. You can assume standard HTTP status codes on the response. If a request is unsuccessful, your application must properly handle it accordingly with the appropriate status codes
  4. Upon a successful API response, transform the fetched payload into an object containing the following keys:
    1. results: JSON object containing the results from the API
    2. base: the requested home rate from the request URL query strings
    3. date: the current date
    4. rates: An Object containing the requested currency in the request URL query strings
  5. Your application server must be written with Node using an Express server (https://expressjs.com/)
  6. You must deploy your backend code

As an example, a request to fetch the currency exchange rates from CZK to EUR, GBP, USD might look like:


A successful response for the above request should return the following schema (of course with a more up-to-date value)

    "results": {
        "base": "CZK",
        "date": "2020-11-17",
        "rates": {
            "EUR": 0.0377244605,
            "GBP": 0.033795458,
            "USD": 0.044824204