
Speak Better

This is Speak Better monrepo bootstrapped lerna.

Getting Started

Make sure you have nodejs installed by running the following command:

node --version

If the output is not the version of your nodejs installation, install nodejs from here

Then install the dependencies after cloning the project please use npm:

npm install

Start the server

Then, start up the application.

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


npm build

Editor setup

We're using eslint for js linting, and prettier for code formating, make sure you install eslint and prettier plugins in your editor so you can see linting errors as you code and have your code formatted on save by prettier. If formatOnSave doesn't work please google how to set up format on save for the eslint & prettier plugins in your editor 🙃


All pull requests should be made to the dev branch addequate commit message must be use and has been enforced throght commitlint your commit messages should be in this form {commit type}: {commit message} eg ci: setup eslint and prettier to ensure code linting and formatting refer to our commit lint file here

Note pre-commit npm run lint is run.

npm  run lint # to lint only js,jsx files # in project directory

npm  run prettify # to prettify files # in project directory

you can also lint for all files in the repo by running that command in the root folder.