
MyDiary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Required Features

  1. Users can create an account and log in.
  2. Users can view all entries to their diary.
  3. Users can view the contents of a diary entry.
  4. Users can add, modify or delete an entry.

Optional Features

  1. Users can set and get daily notifications that prompt them to add an entry to their diary.

branch ft-createOne-#162898194Build Status Coverage Status

branch ft-updateOne-#162880154 Build Status Coverage Status

branch ft-getOne-#162879834 Build Status Coverage Status

branch ft-getAll-#162879502 Build Status Coverage Status

branch ft-deleteOne-#162883631 Build Status Coverage Status

branch ch-develop-#162871744 Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage