
DEPRECATED - this package is no longer supported

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DISCLAIMER - Development of this package is currently on hiatus. We are currently not actively developing this package due to both resource constraints and uncertainty about how well supported it will be in the future. We are using this in our active projects, so we will continue to do bug fixes as we encounter them, but feature requests may go unanswered. PRs are still welcome.

REST2DDP Meteor Atmosphere Package

Convert REST APIs into DDP publications for your client side to reactively consume.

Add it to your project meteor add okgrow:rest2ddp.


  • Scraping websites with yahoo tools (code)
  • Passing parameters to get windchills (code)
  • Passing tokens in header to get gov data (code)

1. Collection (Client and/or Server)

REST2DDP requires a Meteor collection to interact with. Typically this is called on the client but can be on the server or both as well.

BaseballPlayers = new Mongo.Collection('baseballPlayers');

2. Config Objects (Server)

REST2DDP.configs is a global array of objects which hold configuration settings for each publication. Since this object could hold private keys it is recommended to only have these configs on the server-side.

Setting Type Required Description
name string true Name of the publication to subscribe to.
collection string true Specify which collection to send data.
restUrl string true The URL of the REST call. Dynamic parameters are held by a dollar sign blocks, ${varName}.
jsonPath string true Tell REST2DDP where to find the array in the API response. The path must always be an array and end with a wildcard (*). Check out the jsonpath docs.
pollInterval number false Sets the interval in seconds of pinging the API. Defaults to 10 seconds.
headerKeys array false An array of strings. Specifies which keys are allowed in the header of a call. Good idea to set since clients can modify the header.
headers object false Pass an object of default key values passed with every call. Client can override key values. Values must be a string.
// -----------------
// -----------------
  name: 'basic-baseball-player-stats',
  collectionName: 'baseballPlayers',
  jsonPath: '$.results.players.*'

// -----------------
// -----------------
var apiToken = process.env.MLB_API_TOKEN;

  name: 'adv-baseball-player-stats',
  collectionName: 'baseballPlayers',
  jsonPath: '$.results.players.*',
  pollInterval: 30,
  headerKeys: ['token', 'Content-Type'],
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

3. Subscribing (Client or Server)

On the client you will subscribe to REST2DDP like you would any other publication and pass it parameters. The name of the publication you are subscribing to will always be 'REST2DDP'.

Argument Type Required Description
1 string true Name of the publication you are subscribing to will always be 'REST2DDP'.
2 string true Name of configuration to call.
3 object false Takes upto two optional keys which are objects, variables: {object} and headers: {object}.
Template.playersList.onCreated(function () {
  var self = this;
  // -----------------
  // -----------------
  self.autorun(function () {
    self.subscribe('REST2DDP', 'basic-baseball-player-stats');
  // -----------------
  // -----------------
  self.autorun(function () {
    self.subscribe('REST2DDP', 'adv-baseball-player-stats', {
      variables: {
        teamName: 'cubs'
      headers: {}

How to help/future features

  • Support XML
  • Support single document returns


Issues and Pull Requests are always welcome. Please read our contribution guidelines.