
Example LoopBack application with polyglot runtimes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


PoC project to illustrate how to create polyglot APIs and Microservices using LoopBack and gRPC.


  • Apps
    • note-java: Java implementation of note encryption
    • note-swift: Swift implementation of note translation
    • note-loopback: Sample LoopBack application to demonstrate gRPC integration
  • Tools
    • grpc-swagger: Generate swagger spec from gRPC proto document and vice versa
    • loopback-connector-grpc: LoopBack connector for gRPC services


Docker Containerization

  • note-loopback (Node.js)
  • note-java (Java)
  • note-swift (Swift)
  • note-mongo (MongoDB)
  • openzipkin/zipkin (zipkin)


Running with docker-compose

$ docker-compose up --build

Open your browser and point to http://localhost:3000/explorer to test drive:

  1. Create a new note with POST /notes.
  2. The note-loopback microservice will request the note-swift microservice to translate the content (mockup).
  3. The note-loopback microservice will request the note-java microservice to encrypt the content using JWE.
  4. Tracing metrics are sent to zipkin server. The dashboard is available at http://localhost:9411.
  5. You can also run clients from the host, for example:
$ cd note-loopback
$ node client.js


$ cd note-java
$ java -cp ./target/note-1.0.0.jar com.ibm.apiconnect.demo.polyglot.NoteClient

Running as local Kubernetes (minikube)

Please follow instructions at https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube to install minikube and kubectl commands.

cd kubernetes
