
Gradle plugin to define complex testing scenarios via Spacelift

Primary LanguageGroovy

Arquillian Spacelift Gradle Plugin Build Status

This Gradle plugin is able to prepare test environment and execute tests. Plugin is using Arquillian Spacelift project to execute external commands. Compatible with Gradle 2.

In order to enable the plugin, define:

apply plugin: 'spacelift'

// build dependencies
buildscript {
    repositories {
        // you need this only if you plan to use staged version of this plugin
        maven {
            name 'jboss-staging-repository-group'
            url 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/staging'
        // you need this only if you plan to use version in your local Maven repository
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.arquillian.spacelift.gradle:arquillian-spacelift-gradle:1.0.0-alpha-5'

// following elements are needed only if you are willing to use _testreport_ task
repositories {

configurations {

dependencies {
    junitreport 'org.apache.ant:ant-junit:1.9.4'

Spacelift Tasks

This plugin provides following tasks. You can get same info by running ./gradlew tasks:


Installs all installations defined by profile


Executes tests defined in profile. Depends on assemble.


Gathers all test results in JUnit format from workspace and creates a combined report. Requires additional configuration in build.gradle file


Shows global configuration and available profiles and more


Wipes cached installations and extracted installation artifacts for currently activated installations


Wipes Spacelift workspace directory


Wipes Maven repository used by Spacelift


Executes all the clean tasks


Plugin uses following DSL structure:

spacelift {

    workspace value
    installationsDir value
    localRepository value
    killServers value
    keystoreFile value
    truststoreFile value
    enableStaging value
    enableSnapshots value

    tools {
        tool1 { }

    profiles {
        profile1 { }
        profile2(from:profile1) { }

    installations {
        installation1 { }
        installation2(from:MyOwnInstallationType) { }
        installation3(from:installation2) { }

    tests {
        test1 { }


There are a few properties with sane default. You can modify them to alter execution flow.

  • workspace - a directory where you work, by default this directory

  • installationsDir - a directory where installation files are cached

  • localRepository - Maven local repository path

  • killServers - {true|false} whether to kill Java processes first

  • keystoreFile - path to JKS keystore file

  • truststoreFile - path to JKS truststore file

  • enableStaging - enable JBoss Staging repository

  • enableSnapshots - enable JBoss Snapshots repository


Value definition in accepted in following format. If it is defined in block, is is always lazy evaluated.

  • plain - such as false, "mydir", 'mydir' or "${project.rootDir}/mydir".

  • list - such as "foo", "bar" or [1, 2, 3]

  • block - such as { false } or { /* a lot of code */ }. Block does has access to properties of defining installation, profile, test or tool, whatever is relevant. It can also reference current project by using project property

  • map - a map with keys denoting operating system and value either in plain or block form, for instance [linux:"foo", windows: {"foo"}]. Following OS values are supported:

    • linux

    • windows

    • mac

    • solaris

      If you are using a map, you need to use parenthesis around parameters

Tools allow you to define external commands that should be available on local system. Tools can be inherited from previously defined tools. Following tools are always expected to be present: ant and mvn

toolName {
    command value
    allowedExitCodes value
    interaction value
    isDaemon value
    environment value

Command defines what will be executed. In case you provide string or list of strings, it will be transformed to Spacelift CommandBuilder. In case you are using block, you are supposed to return CommandBuilder. In case of map, you can use windows, linux, mac and solaris keys that will match the platform. The block will register a CommandTool you can retrieve by Spacelift.task('toolName') later on.


Exit codes that command executing can return, by default 0


Interaction with the command process, by default GradleSpaceliftDelegate.ECHO_OUTPUT


By default false. If set to true, tool will spawn a process that will survive Gradle execution exit.


By default [:]. Properties to be added to process environment.


Profiles consist of installations to be installed and tests to be executed. You can use -PprofileName to trigger specific profile, otherwise default profile is triggered. default profile is expected to be present. Note, you need define profileName quoted in case of default. Profiles can be inherited from previous created profiles.

profileName {
    enabledInstallations 'installation1', 'installation2'
    tests 'test1', 'test3', 'test27'
    excludedTests 'test3'

You can exclude tests from execution by excludedTests on profile where you specify which tests you do not want to execute. By triggering the above profile, only test1 and test27 will be executed.

You can also use * to enable all defined installations and or tests for profile. And you can also use value notion and construct a list of strings to match installation names.

Installations provides a way how to bring additional tools to you test environment. Installation is automatically downloaded or fetched from local cache and extracted, based on current OS. Installations can be inherited from previously defined installations or you can define your own installation DSL by implementing Installation and point installation to its class. Following description holds for DefaultInstallation:

installationName {
    product value
    version value
    fileName value
    remoteUrl value
    home value
    autoExtract value
    isInstalled value
    preconditions value
    extractMapper { /* Any UncompressTool call(s) */ }
    tools {
        tool1 {
            command value
            allowedExitCodes value
            interaction value
            isDaemon value
            environment value
    postActions {
otherInstallation(from:installationName) {
    // reuses all values from installationName and then redefines home directory
    home newValue
myInstallation(from:MyInstallationClass) {
    // uses your own DSL, myBlock has to be a Closure typed property of MyInstallationClass
    myBlock { }
Following DSL blocks are available
  • product - name of product, used for storing installation in installationsDir

  • version - version of product, used for storing installation in installationsDir

  • fileName - name of file as downloaded in workspace. Can be map, same keys as for tool

  • remoteUrl - URL where to download from. Can be map, same keys as for tool

  • home - name of dir in workspace where installation is extracted. Can be map, same keys as for tool

  • autoExtract - by default true, consider installation an archive and extract it to workspace directory

  • isInstalled - by default check for installation home existence, if evaluated to true, installation is skipped

  • preconditions - this closure is optional and when specified, it has to return boolean value. If evaluated to false, installation is skipped, if true, installation is performed.

  • extractMapper - optional calls on UncompressTool performed prior extraction happens. For instance, this removes first directory from extracted path and extracts archive to directory defined by home

    extractMapper {
  • tools - allows to define tool(s) that will be available after installation is done, same syntax as tools block_

  • postActions - defines actions to be performed after installation is extracted


Tests define a block of commands to be executed in test Gradle task. If you provide dataProvider block, test execution (including before and after test phases) will iterate over data provided. Tests can inherit from previously defined tests or use your own DSL, same as Installation. Following description holds for DefaultTest:

testName {
    dataProvider {
        // return an array here, allows to parametrize tests
    beforeSuite {
        // executed once prior all tests
    beforeTest { value ->
        // executed prior test
    execute { value ->
        // your commands here
    afterTest { value ->
        // executed after test
    afterSuite {
        // executed once prior all tests

Referencing DSL elements in Gradle

In case you need, you can reference them directly in the code by its name. For instance, to reference home of installation named selenium in your tests, you can use following syntax

installations {
    selenium {
        home "the-home"
tests {
    testName {
        execute {
            assertThat selenium.home, is(notNullValue())

Direct reference can be used for any installation, test, tool or profile. References are resolved in this order, in case there are two objects with different type and same name, further possible references are ignored and a warning is logged. It means it is safer to use unique names per all types.

In case you need reference DSL object indirectly, for instance you have two objects with the same name or it is shaded by local variable, you can use indirect syntax in form project.spacelift.installations['installationName']. Same call exists for tools, profiles and tests.

Execution parameters

It is possible to modify what tests will be run and what installations will be installed. Apart from profile option, you can use:


This will ignore installations and tests defined by profile and instead will install comma, separated and value. If test task is executed, it will perform test execution for tests comma, separated and value.

If you need to reference profile, installations or tests from Gradle script, these are exposed as:

  • project.selectedProfile

  • project.selectedInstallations

  • project.selectedTests

All represented by appropriate object.

Manual profile definitions

In cases you want to execute only a subset of installations or tests of given profile, you can combine activated profile with manual override of installations and or tests.

For instance, following call installs all installations from default profile but executes only myTestName test.

gradle -Pdefault -Ptests=myTestName test

Whereas this call completely ignores profile and installs myTestNameRequirement and then executes myTestName:

gradle -Pinstallations=myTestNameRequirement -Ptests=myTestName test
If you want to skip tests or installations altogether, use following syntax gradle -Pinstallations= test

Default values

Groovy allows user to specify additional project properties using ext block:

ext {
    property = value

You can use this block to store global objects needed during execution. The plugin additionally allows following goodies for property definitions:

Default values

If a property starts with default, it is used if user won’t override it from command line. Example: defaultAndroidVersion=19 will become available as androidVersion property in the project.

Overriding default values

User can override any default value by using -PpropertyName=value from command line. Example: -PandroidVersion=17,18 will override defaultAndroidVersion value with [18,19].

Parsing of user supplied values

User defined properties on command line are automatically split by , character and converted into array.

Spacelift Tools and Task

You can benefit from following tools and tasks, either from Spacelift itself or provided by this plugin:

  • DownloadTool - downloads a file

  • UnzipTool - extracts a zip file

  • CommandTool - executes external command

  • AntExecutor - executes Ant command. Requires ant tool

  • MavenExecutor - executes Maven command. Requires mvn tool

  • JavaExecutor - executes Java command. Requires java tool

  • XmlFileLoader - loads xml from file into Node

  • XmlTextLoader - loads xml from text into Node

  • XmlUpdater - stores Node into file

  • ArquillianXmlUpdater - updates container and/or extension properties in arquillian.xml files

  • PomXmlUpdater - updates properties in pom.xml files

  • SettingsXmlUpdater - updates settings.xml with additional repositories, sets localRepository

  • KillJavas - kills running Java processes (Selenium, JBoss AS/WildFly containers) and processes occupying ports

  • StandaloneXmlUpdater - allows to add keystore/truststore configuration to standalone.xml

  • DomainXmlUpdater - allows to add keystore/truststore configuration to domain.xml

  • AndroidSdkUpdater - allows to fetch binaries for specific Android SDK target - you need to agree with Android SDK license first. Requires android tool.

  • AndroidSdkOptForStats - allows to opt out for stats - you need to agree with Android SDK license first

  • AndroidEmulatorStarter - starts Android emulator

  • AndroidEmulatorStopper - stops Android emulator

  • AVDCreator - creates Android Virtual Devices

  • CordovaExecutor - executes Cordova commands

  • RHELVersion - determines version of RHEL system

Release new version

Follow this process to release new version:

  1. Update version to release version in build.gradle

  2. Execute gradle publish -Dmaven.settings=/path/to/settings.xml. Note that your settings.xml need to contain JBoss Nexus repository configuration, according to Deploy to the JBoss Repository section at https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/MavenGettingStarted-Developers

  3. Tag current commit via git tag

  4. Bump version to next development version

Releasing SNAPSHOT version to local Maven Repository

In order to build and publish SNAPSHOT plugin, use gradle build publishToMavenLocal.