
Database of My Wallet project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Record and track your financial records simply and effectively!

Status: Finished

AboutDatabase LayoutHow it worksPre-requisitesTech StackHow to contributeAuthor


Aimed at bringing the financial notepad into the virtual world, MyWallet is perfect for interact with your records and keep them away from prying eyes... 👀

Database Layout

Database Layout

The database was designed at https://www.dbdesigner.net/ for PostgreSQL.

/* In your psql terminal */

/* Access the database */
\c mywallet

Now, just run the commands listed in dump.sql

How it works

This project is divided into two parts:

  1. Backend (This repository)
  2. Frontend (You can find here: https://github.com/okitauehara/my-wallet)


Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js, VSCode.

Running the Backend (server)

// Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:okitauehara/my-wallet-api.git

// Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd my-wallet-api

// Install the dependencies
$ npm install

// Create a .env.dev file and fill it using your environment variables following the .env.example

// Run the application in development mode
$ ntl -> start:dev

// The server will start at port: 4000

You can find the .env.example here

Tech Stack

The following tools were used in the construction of the project-api:

Server (NodeJS)

See the file package.json


How to contribute

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a new branch with your changes: git checkout -b feat/myFeatureName
  3. For each feature implemented, make a commit specifying what was done
  4. Submit your changes: git push -u origin feat/myFeatureName


Developed by Marcos Okita Uehara.