Generate 16 color for Xresources colorscheme from one-color.
Using imagemagick as color calculation.
- imagemagick - for color calculation
- sed
Download the script :
Make the script executable :
$ chmod +x colorfil
Then move it to somewhere in your $PATH (/usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, etc)
$ colorfil -c [#hexcolor] [-o output_file]
Available options:
-c, --color [#HEXCOLOR] define your color in hex
-o, --outfile [FILE] send output to the file
if no -o or --outfile, the result is printed directly to stdout.
$ colorfil -c #ff8899
... or with `-o
$ colorfil -c #ff8899 -o ~/.Xresources-temp
The code is available under the MIT license.