
Instructions, tools, links and hex files for flashing kbdfans kbd19x. Mainly for personal use.

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Instructions, tools, links and hex files for flashing kbdfans kbd19x. Mainly for personal use.

How to flash kbd19x

  1. Download QMK Toolbox https://qmk.fm/toolbox/
  2. Use QMK Configurator https://config.qmk.fm/#/kbdfans/kbd19x/LAYOUT_ansi
  3. Setup your keybinds in the configurator
  4. Compile/Download firmware from config.qmk.fm
  5. Put Keyboard in flash mode by holding "Esc" while plugging in the keyboard
    • You should see *** DFU device connected: Atmel Corp. ATm32U4DFU
  6. Load hex file into QMK toolbox and Flash
    • If having trouble with drivers and getting "no devices found" you may need to fix the driver
    • Use Zadig https://zadig.akeo.ie/ and libusb-win32

Technical info for KBD Fans kbd19x

  • Controller atMega32u4

Issues we had

  • The most difficult part of determining the layout is how to deal with the absence of the standard insert/delete/home/end/pgup/pgdwn cluster. We ended up sacrificing pause, scroll lock, insert, rt ctrl, rt gui/menu.
  • In our layout print screen, and delete keys were important
  • For a more advanced layout, switching the "" and "backspace" keys, going with a 1 unit "" would allow the addition of the delete key above backspace.

Result of final layout