Python code for ground motion visualization for AlpArray (2016-2022).
The code and features are updated regularly.
- only GMV and 3-componet seismograms (ZRT) of reference station
- GMV, 3-componet seismograms (ZRT) of reference station, and an fk-diagram of subarray (vertical component only)
- GMV, 3-componet seismograms (ZRT) of reference station, an fk-diagram of subarray (vertical component only), plus a raypath plot
- GMV and 4 fk-diagrams of 4 subarrays (vertical component only)
- GMV and cross-sections (ZNE/ZRT)
- Specifically designed to visualize zero-crossing of normal mode
- Plot zero-crossing in GMV and reference vertical seismogram
- Specifically designed to visualize normal mode
- With option to visualize zero-crossing of normal mode
- GMV, reference vertical seismogram, and an fk-diagram (vertical component only)
Watch some example GMVs with fk-diagram and raypath plot here: zenodo
Please consider acknowledging this work if you use this code or example movies in your publication or presentation by citing:
On Ki Angel Ling, Simon C. Stähler, Domenico Giardini, the AlpArray Working Group; Visualizing Global Seismic Phases with AlpArray. Seismological Research Letters 2021; 92 (6): 3845–3855. doi: