Computer program for the processing and interpretation of small-angle scattering data tailored to the analysis of sedimentary rocks
It is replica of Windows program PRINSAS that takes as input raw (post-reduction) small- angle neutron and small-angle X-ray scattering (SANS and SAXS) data obtained from various worldwide facilities, displays the raw curves in interactive log–log plots, and allows processing of the raw curves. Separate raw SANS and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) curves can be combined into complete scattering curves for an individual sample. The combined curves can be interpreted and information inferred about sample structure, using built-in functions. These have been tailored for geological samples and other porous media, and include the ability to obtain an arbitrary distribution of scatterer sizes, the corresponding specific surface area of scatterers, and porosity (when the scatterers are pores), assuming spherical scatterers. A fractal model may also be assumed and the fractal dimension obtained. A utility for calculating scattering length density from the component oxides is included in the program.
Journal of Applied Crystallography
ISSN 0021-8898
PRINSAS – a Windows-based computer program for the processing and interpretation of small-angle scattering data tailored to the analysis of sedimentary rocks
Alan L.Hinde
TODO(add dowload links to patches)
At first install Anaconda(Python3 version only)
After that install next packages:
- PyQtGraph - GUI
- SciPy - Fitting and Analysis tool
- PyOpenGL - Dependencie of PyQtGraph
- Kivy - GUI. pip install kivy
- MySQL - pip install mysqlclient
Dependecies for PyInstaller(if You would like to build executables):
- PyQt5
There easiest way to install above tools is using pip tool from command prompt(it comes with Anaconda package).
Note: if command pompt says that pip command isn't recognized(even Anaconda is installed) then you have to modify Path Environmental Variable, with appending location to pip tool(which is placed in folder Scripts of Anaconda installation root folder)
pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate pyqtgraph
If You encountered error "recursive call depth exceeded", then run next command:
it will create main.spec file and add next lines to its beginning:
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(5000)#or bigger number
and finally run:
pyinstaller main.spec
I decided to use the most basic GUI library - Tinker and pyinstaller doesn't has support to it.