
Google Test coverage report generation

Primary LanguageCMake

C++ | Google Test | Gcov | Lcov

This repository demonstrates how to get coverage results with Google Test.

The CMake flag set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS --coverage) does the main job.

Build instructions

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

This will create two executables: main and test in the build directory.


If you are using CLion, it becomes really easy to visualize coverage statistics. Just run the test with coverage and Clion will do the job.

CLion coverage

To view the results with Gcov and Lcov as HTML, follow these commands (while you are still in the build directory):

./test # Run the test at least once to generate the .gcda file
cd CMakeFiles/test.dir/src
gcov testsubject.cpp.gcno
lcov --capture --directory . --output-file gtest_coverage.info
genhtml gtest_coverage.info --output-directory CODE_COVERAGE

Then open the generated index.html in CODE_COVERAGE directory to see the results in your browser.

Lcov coverage