Design Patterns in Javascript ES6
This will be a repository of how to use the Design Patterns from Gang of Four in your applications with Javascript.
- All the Design Patterns have been refactored to ES6.
- Added the Multi-Inheritance Design Patterns exclusive for ES6.
- Added new Design Patterns exclusive from Javascript.
- Added changes to index.html. Now you can check the code to be executed and the execution without open the console. Thanks -adamnbowen-
Design Patterns that you can find in this repository:
- Adapter
- Chaining
- Command
- Composite
- Composite Iterator
- Compound (Use some design patterns together to solve a problem)
- Decorator
- Facade
- Factory
- Iterator
- Lazy
- Module
- Module Revealed
- Multi-Inheritance ES6
- Namespace
- Nullify
- Observer
- Proxy
- Singleton
- State
- Strategy
- Template
- Try-Finally
This repository contains a folder by each design pattern.
Inside these folders you can found, in some of them, other folders with numbers . This folders are the different steps to follow to arrive to the final resolution of the problem. You will understand it better if you have one copy of the book I recomend you before.
To transpile the code to ES5 you should execute Do you want to collaborate?
All constructive comments are welcome. I promise I will answer everyone.