
CObs - COVID Observational Model. Combines the signals from Mortality, Admissions and Cases into a single model, and extracts estimated Transmission and R-eff.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CObs COVID Observational Model

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CObs COVID Observational Model

Platform Notes

CObs is implemented in C# for the .NET Framework, (it may also be built for .NET Core), uses Apache Open Office for data visualization, and is run through codefactor.io for automated code quality analysis and review.


The CObs data pipeline produces a model of estimated real-world SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a target region, via empirical fit under SEIR-type assumptions, from a stream of public health data that incorporates:

  • Mortality
  • Hospital Occupancy/Admissions
  • Reported Cases
  • Deployed Test Capacity/Test Positivity Percentage

The results feed into an integrated dashboard for data visualization and review.

Unlike most dashboards, which do no modeling and present only raw "live" feeds from disparate sources, CObs accounts properly for the time-intervals between transmission, and the various types of reporting event.

Low, baseline and high transmission estimates are provided by running the model over a large collection of scenarios, generated from a range of input parameters for both the various time-intervals, and epidemiological parameters such as IFR (Infection Fatality Ratio) and Median Serial Interval between transmission events.

CObs also extracts and in some cases plots, transmission metrics such as R-effective, and doubling time.

CObs was initially run on public health data published by the Government of Hungary, with Hungary as the target region, and the releases include a bundle of historical data generated for Hungary for the period from 2020-10-04 to 2021-05-03.

To start viewing these results straight away, jump to Results Quick Start.

Project Scope

The initial purpose of the CObs pipeline and integrated dashboard, was to provide as near real-time as possible monitoring of local SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Hungary during the period 2020-2021, as a means of obtaining general situational awareness regarding the state of the pandemic in Hungary.

The model is, broadly speaking, observational rather then predictive. It covers the time period up to the most recent day having data.

The transmission estimates and associated metrics are based on messy real-world input data, that feed into scenarios based on uncertain, wide-ranged epidemiological parameters. The aim is to provide a practical, first-order handle on the approximate magnitude and growth rate of the transmission curve, as means of gauging "where are we now" that is a marked step up from staring at raw or plainly graphed hospitalizations, cases and test positivity.

CObs makes loose assumptions about the broad stability of IFR and the immunological homogeneity of the population of the target region. It is best utilised for as near real-time as possible monitoring of the state of the epidemic in the target region during the phase where the population is immunologically naïve, (or equally exposed) to the pathogen to a first order approximation.

For example, the workflow for the bundled historical data for Hungary was retired in May 2021 due to the onset of real-world decoupling between cases, admissions and mortality, driven by age-stratified vaccination roll-out and immunity acquired from transmission.

Currently CObs is somewhat inflexible regarding the format of the CSV file that feeds in the source data, and uses hardcoded epidemiological parameter ranges and population size, rather than configurable ones.

These restrictions on its usage can potentially be remedied easily enough, (c.f. Contributions and Extensions) rendering it suitable for configuration and use for monitoring any sufficiently sizeable, broadly IFR-stable epidemic, for any pathogen, in any target region. Some extra degree of flexibility over the type and format of source data pipeline inputs could also be added. If extended in such a way, the project should probably be renamed EObs.

Note however, that thus far CObs is a single author volunteer project.

Model Features


The model combines the signal from three primary sources that are indicative of transmission levels into a single empirical fit, namely:

  • Mortality: with cases inferred from IFR. The most reliable signal in terms of the absolute magnitude of real-world transmission, with the highest lag and lowest time resolution.
  • Hospital Admissions: with the inferred admissions-to-cases ratio anchored to mortality and IFR. A less reliable signal than mortality, with lower lag and higher time resolution.
  • Reported Cases: with the inferred reported-to-real ratio anchored to admissions, mortality and IFR. The least reliable signal, with the lowest lag and highest time resolution.

Note that CObs observes real-world transmission via inference from these signals, rather than simulating or predicting it, (at least mostly, c.f. Scenario Internals below).

Each model pipeline execution pass runs approximately 2000 observed transmission scenarios with combinations of different values of the following 7 parameters:

  • IFR: Infection Fatality Ratio, i.e. the ratio of mortality to cases.
  • MedianTimeFromExposureToTest: Median time from exposure to a report of a positive test result.
  • MedianTimeToAdmission: Median time from exposure to hospital admission.
  • MedianHospitalizationDuration: Median duration of hospital occupancy, (used to infer admissions from absolute bed occupancy in the absence of direct admissions data).
  • MedianTimeToMortality: Median time from exposure to mortality.
  • MedianSerialInterval: Median time from exposure to onward transmission.
  • TransmissibilityWindowToSI: Ratio of median duration of transmissibility to median serial interval.

It should be noted that each of these parameters can only be considered constant to a first order approximation. For instance under real world conditions IFR is sensitive to available healthcare capacity, and time from exposure to reported test result is sensitive to conditions in the testing logistics train.

After the scenarios have been run, low, baseline (i.e. median), and high transmission values and their associated metrics are selected for each day. A final round of extraction is then performed to obtain some current and cumulative aggregates of note.

The computed daily transmission metrics for each scenario are: growth rate, R-effective and doubling time.

The parameter ranges currently used by CObs were obtained via an informal, (non-systematic) survey of the literature, to which the author has unfortunately not kept references.

Scenario Internals

Each scenario accounts for the lags inherent in the three primary signals by dividing the timeline of the run into five regions with their own distinct inference logic.

The signals from mortality and admissions are given equal weight where possible, the signal from reported cases is ignored until absolutely necessary, (i.e. when the other two have both gone offline) as it is deemed inherently unreliable.

The scenario timeline regions are handled as follows:

  • Mortality Only Run Up Period: Transmission for the time period from one median-time-to-mortality prior to the first source day until the first source day itself is inferred from the mortality signal only, by direct extrapolation from IFR. Technically the admissions signal comes online during the later part of this period, but it makes little difference to the overall results and is ignored.
  • Mortality And Admissions Based Period: Transmission for the time period from the first source day until one median-time-to-mortality prior to the current day is inferred from mortality and admissions with equal weight. The admissions-to-cases ratio is continually recalibrated, (re-anchored to mortality and IFR) to reflect its dependence on healthcare capacity pressures during different phases of the epidemic. A wide rolling window is used for re-anchoring so as not to drown out the higher resolution signal from admissions.
  • Admissions Only Based Period: Transmission for the time period from one median-time-to-mortality prior to the current day until one median-time-to-admission prior to the current day is inferred from admissions only, with the admissions-to-cases ratio now fixed at the last seen value.
  • Test Results Only Based Period: Transmission for the time period from one median-time-to-admission prior to the current day until one median-time-from-exposure-to-test prior to the current day is inferred from reported cases, now that the other two signals are offline. A handover reported-to-real ratio is calculated at the transition boundary, (based on smoothed rolling averages around the boundary).
  • Retrodicted Transmission: Transmission for the time period from one median-time-from-exposure-to-test until the current day is simulated, now that all three signals are offline and we are flying blind. The simulated values are based on the last seen magnitude of transmission and last seen growth exponent, (or rather suitably smoothed rolling average versions thereof).

During the test-results-only based period, signal unreliability due to drift in deployed test capacity and test positivity is compensated for, by adjusting the reported-to-real ratio accordingly. For an extreme example that illustrates why this is important, were deployed test capacity to suddenly drop to one tenth of yesterday's reported cases with 100% positivity, it doesn't mean real-world transmission has suddenly dropped by an order of magnitude!

For these purposes, deployed capacity and positivity are treated as de facto (loosely coupled) pseudo-independent variables with a time-local linear relationship to reported cases, and linear correlation coefficients to adjust the reported-to-real ratio are inferred. In doing so we are assuming that non-linearities in the underlying real-world logistical relationship between deployed test capacity and case reporting can be ignored on short enough time scales.

Clearly, scenario implementation is contingent on some fairly ad hoc design decisions and modelling assumptions, particularly in regard to the relative weighting of signal strengths and the autocalibration and boundary transition logic. It's fair to say that scenario runs have a certain approximate "finger in the air" quality to them.

Nonetheless the assumptions are reasonable enough, and the design decisions sensible enough, to provide first-order transmission estimates commensurate with project scope.

Inferred Admissions

In many regions of interest, including Hungary, public authorities do not publish a feed of daily hospitalizations, instead publishing only absolute bed occupancy numbers.

This accounts for the introduction of median hospitalization duration as a scenario parameter, as it can be used to infer admissions from occupancy, by assuming a rate of churn, (discharge) based on reported occupancy levels over the prior median hospitalization duration period.

Specifically, churn is considered proportional to the integral of occupancy with respect to time, from one median stay duration prior to a given day until that day. This yields a churn delta that can be summed with the observed raw occupancy delta to give an admittedly crude estimated admissions for the day.

There would be scope to improve the inference if it transpired that a reasonable range of possible values for variance of stay duration were also known, however the simple formula used is sufficient in our decidedly first-order context.

If admissions data were directly available, this step could be skipped entirely, reducing the number of scenarios by two thirds, and improving the resolution and accuracy of the model.


Once all scenarios have run, and low, baseline and high transmission estimates and associated metrics have been determined, the following current and cumulative model aggregates are extracted:

  • Current R-effective
  • Current Doubling Time
  • Total Projected Mortality
  • Cumulative Seroprevalence

Ranged estimates, (low, baseline and high) are provided for each aggregate.

Sample Results (with screenshots)

Here for illustrative purposes are some sample results, with annotations, from the Hungary 2020-2021 CObs run.


CObs provided timely warning of the arrival of the B.1.1.7 (Alpha) SARS-CoV-2 VOC (Variant Of Concern) in Hungary in early February 2021, by quickly attaining a clear local minimum and subsequent uptick in estimated transmission. Even under relatively stringent NPIs, (Non Pharmaceutical Interventions), once the surge took off the results were dramatic.

B.1.1.7 Transmission Surge

Note that CObs currently operates from a fixed set of epidemiological scenario parameters, so IFR and other related parameters were not tweaked to reflect the altered characteristics of the ecologically dominant pathogen, which will have lead to some degree of overestimation of transmission in the latter part of the run, (by back-of-the-envelope reasoning, probably around a third).

As the main purpose of CObs is to gain a rapid first-order handle on the magnitude and direction of travel of the epidemic under observation, this was perfectly acceptable in terms of project scope.


While the model is agnostic as to whether a drop in transmission is due to persons acquiring strong sterilizing immunity to the pathogen or because they have reduced their exposure via social distancing, the correspondence in the Hungary 2020-2021 CObs run between computed baseline R-effective and dramatic on-the-ground logistical changes in the stringency of NPIs was striking, both in terms of timely indication of changes, and in overview.

Here we can see how inferred R-effective tracks closely with the underlying dynamics of societal pandemic response as occurred in Hungary in the second half of 2020:

  • Summer 2020: A period of almost entirely uncontrolled rapid cryptic transmission at low incidence is observable in the second half of the summer, with R-effective close to the R-0 of the original wild-type SARS-CoV-2 variant. This corresponds to the "summer tourism reopening" period of relatively unrestricted travel and tourism in Hungary.
  • Autumn 2020: A period of increasingly severe NPIs were instituted over the autumn at medium and high incidence, (including a test capacity surge with aggressive home quarantine orders, mask mandates, and increasingly strict but partial school and business closures) that resulted in a considerably reduced R-effective still above 1, amounting to a failed attempt at resurgence control.
  • Winter 2020: Mounting healthcare capacity saturation led to the institution of a full lockdown at high incidence. R-effective dropped rapidly and unambiguously below 1.

R-effective in 2020 related to level of NPIs

Pointing out this correspondence is not intended to serve as a political critique of the desirability or otherwise of NPIs as a response to this or any other epidemic, though the author notes that if they are going to be instituted, then best to move fast at low incidence, as delayed responses often result in "worst of both worlds" outcomes.

Model Performance

Some notes on model performance as observed during the Hungary 2020-2021 CObs run:

  • The parameters were well chosen, with the baseline transmission curve fluctuating little over time, and yielding cumulative and projected aggregates commensurate with later outcomes.
  • The model is responsive, with trends such as changes in the stringency of NPIs and the emergence of variants with new epidemiological characteristics appearing in the result sets on the order of a week to ten days, loosely speaking.
  • Sometimes the model fluctuates wildly for a brief time while passing through inflection points in transmission, due to temporarily wide spread in extracted transmission metrics.
  • Extracting meaningful doubling times in a situation where the dynamics change from week to week is hard. R-effective is a much more useful metric to track. Given the good performance characteristics of baseline transmission estimates, narrower scenario input parameter ranges would have been justified and would have yielded more stable doubling times.
  • The model tends to produce markedly truncated transmission peaks at high incidence, which the author strongly suspects to be an artifact both of logistical saturation in real world reporting systems, and of an effective cap on admissions that comes into effect while emergency triage conditions pertain during periods of healthcare capacity strain.
  • The model also briefly fluctuates wildly around some pretty odd artifacts in the reporting of deployed test capacity. Even with a clean modelling pipeline, garbage in begets garbage out.

Overall the model served well as a first-order, as close to real time as possible monitoring tool for the basic magnitude and direction of travel of transmission during the epidemic in the target region, as intended.

Results Quick Start

To start viewing the bundled historical results data, go to Releases and under Assets download ResultsOnly.zip, (or change branch to results and choose Code -> Download Zip). The historical results are in the folder ResultsOnly\.


Requires Apache Open Office 4.1.7 or later, running on any operating system that supports Open Office, (Windows, Linux, Mac et al.) to render the historical results. Data visualization is performed in the spreadsheet program Open Office Calc, with both the live results viewer and historical results stored as .ods files.

Apache Open Office

Apache Open Office is open source, lightweight and easy to download and install. You can download a version for your operating system here:


The spreadsheet files might work in older versions of Open Office Calc. Microsoft Excel also has the capability to import .ods files, though this hasn't been tested and may well wreak havoc with formulas, charts, formatting etc.

Dashboard Sections

The integrated dashboard historical results snapshots and live results viewer each contain 8 sections implemented as Open Office Calc worksheets:

  • Totals: The headline results of Projected Total Mortality and Cumulative Seroprevalence.
  • Transmission: Graph of low, baseline and high estimated transmissions per day, with current metrics.
  • REff: Graph of the extracted R-eff associated with baseline transmission.
  • Hospitalizations: Plot of 5-day rolling average hospitalizations, classic dashboard style.
  • TestPositivity: Plot of 5-day rolling average test positivity, classic dashboard style.
  • TestCapacity: Plot of 5-day rolling average test capacity, classic dashboard style.
  • ResultsData: The imported results data set, (raw).
  • Aggregates: The imported current and cumulative aggregates, (raw).

Workflow Quick Start

To start running the model pipeline on suitably formatted CSV source data files, go to Releases and under Assets download Workflow.zip, (or change branch to workflow and choose Code -> Download Zip). The pipeline is launched via the executable CObs.exe in the folder Workflow\, either by double click in any suitable File Explorer such as Windows Explorer, or by console invocation, and expects to find a correctly formatted CSV file named SourceData.txt in the same working folder as CObs.exe.

Results from a single model pipeline execution pass will be written to the CSV files ResultsData.txt and Aggregates.txt in the same working folder as CObs.exe, and will additionally be copied to the sub-folder CObsResults\, (any previous results will be overwritten).

Results may then be visualized by opening the bundled live results viewer CObsMain.ods in the same working folder as CObs.exe, answering Yes to the questions "Update all links?" and "This file contains links to other files. Should they be updated?" as and when they appear.

To produce a historical snapshot .ods file with no live links, (e.g. in the CObsResults\ folder alongside the produced copies of ResultsData.txt and Aggregates.txt) copy CObsMain.ods to a suitably named file with some kind of datestamp in the filename. Then open the copy, select "Edit -> Links..." from the Calc menu bar, choose "Break Link" for both linked files, and then save the changes.

There is currently no macro to automate this step, (as Apache Open Office macros tend to be somewhat tricky to set up a working environment for).


The bundled version of CObs.exe runs on any version of Microsoft Windows having .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher installed, (though it is possible for developers to build a version that runs as a console application on any operating system with .NET Core 2.0 or higher installed, including Windows, Linux, Mac, et al.). The bundled version of the live results viewer CObsMain.ods requires a functioning installation of Apache Open Office 4.1.7 or later.

As the workflow bundle contains an unsigned built executable CObs.exe, you may prefer to build the program from source yourself, depending on your environment.

Developer Quick Start

By default CObs.exe prompts the user "Press any key to exit.", as the most common use case is that the user double clicked on the executable in a File Explorer, launching a console that automatically closes on program exit, and making it hard for the user to visually track model pipeline build progress.

CObs.exe accepts the commandline argument nokey and may be invoked from the console or via script as CObs.exe nokey. This is to facilitate uninterrupted batch processing of multiple data sources.

The simplest way to build CObs as a .NET Core console application is to create a blank .NET Core console application project in an appropriate development environment, add the files from master:

  • Base.cs
  • Build.cs
  • Parameters.cs
  • Program.cs
  • Scenario.cs

into the project at root level, and build.


A functioning build environment for .NET Framework 4.6.1 or greater, or .NET Core 2.0 or greater. You know what to do.

Contributions and Extensions

Note that CObs is a single author volunteer project.

In terms of implementing new features or extensions, the author may be prepared to spend limited time on implementation and/or reviewing pull requests from contributors, particularly if intended for serious enough routine usage by third parties in a formal research or public health context.

Low hanging fruit that would render CObs suitable for use for any sufficiently sizeable, broadly IFR-stable epidemic in an immunologically homogeneous population, for any pathogen, for any target region would include:

  • Taking scenario population size and epidemiological parameter ranges from external configuration.
  • Adding a mode to bypass inference of admissions from occupancy, in case admissions data is readily available.
  • More flexibility over the format of source data CSV files.
  • Polite checking and error reporting regarding IO sanity when reading and writing files.
  • Performance tuning the extraction phase (c.f. Machine Performance notes below).

CObs is open source, so anyone is free to experiment with it and potentially fork it as they see fit.

Technical Notes

Machine Performance

CObs.exe takes about 30 seconds to process a year's worth of data on a standard i8 laptop. Currently scenario day slice selection and sorting in the results extraction phase is performed by untuned .NET LINQ expressions, causing this to slow down to approximately 15 minutes on a standard i8 laptop for a large six year test data set. In principle performance should be linear on the size of the source data, as all computations are time-local apart from a few trivial linear sums to extract cumulative aggregates. Day slice selection via a sensible flat indexing mechanism would help considerably here, though the current performance characteristics are perfectly fine given the use requirements.

Why Apache Open Office?

An open source visualizer of some kind was desired, ruling out Microsoft Excel, (also the author did not have a personal copy of Excel to hand at the time). A web-based visualization package would clearly be a desirable feature set for publishing and sharing results. However, compared to the feature rich code-free out-of-the-box capabilities of a fully fledged spreadsheet package, achieving a similar result with a web-based graphing and presentation layer would have been a lot of extra work to implement.

Testing and Design

Historically, CObs was initially thrown together and used in production to start generating crude results as piece of one-shot data analysis for distribution to a small offline audience, i.e. it began as an exploratory coding spike in Agile development terms.

Since then it has been run routinely, deemed good enough to keep, and iterated over and refactored a few times. The class design is relatively clean, with clear contracts and limited redundant dependency between the classes, (though the classes are a little overloaded with responsibilities, and could use being split out some more, and scenarios would be cleaner if refactored to be stateless).

While the author is generally an advocate of class structures informed and refined by TDD/BDD in the right context, CObs has not currently been brought under unit test. Partly this is due to the manner in which development history interacted with project resource constraints. Given that the program is relatively small, and has simple internal contracts between classes and few external dependencies, the potential value of unit testing in also providing meaningful regression tests is fairly limited.

In terms of regression testing for consistency, unit tests would do little more than verify that the program indeed reads a correctly formatted CSV file and outputs two CSV files in the right format, and that various internal public methods do indeed read and return certain lists of expected row structures.

Regression testing for mathematical model correctness would be a huge undertaking involving the careful and painstaking independent preparation of comprehensive test data source and result sets, almost tantamount to developing and running a fully independent reference implementation. Such an effort would be appropriate were CObs being integrated into a fully fledged SEIR modelling lab product of some kind, or being used in some industrial setting with high-reliability requirements, but is clearly outside the current scope of the project.

CObs has received large quantities of smoke testing for consistency and smell testing for correctness. While unit testing would still potentially be useful to provide a basic test-harness and inform any future design, there are no plans to bring CObs under unit test at this time.

Do not adapt CObs for the real-time monitoring of potential runaway conditions in nuclear reactors, (c.f. the limitation of liability and disclaimer of warranty clauses in the software license below).


All code, assets and results data are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

The included sample source data in Workflow\SourceData.txt is Public Domain, courtesy of the Government of Hungary.