
Reactive Sequence Combinators in Scala

Primary LanguageScala

hano 0.1.0

hano is a reactive sequence combinator library:

val mouse = hano.Swing.Mouse(jl)
mouse.Pressed.onEach { p =>
    println("pressed at: " + (p.getX, p.getY))
    mouse.Dragged.stepFor {
    } takeUntil {
    } onEach { d =>
        println("dragging at: " + (d.getX, d.getY))
    } onExit { _ =>
    } start
} start

If you are familliar with Reactive Extensions, see Hano vs Rx Method Table.


  • Minimal locks
  • Everything is sequence.
  • Continuations plugin is elective.

Reactive Sequence

hano.Seq is essentially built upon the famous method foreach:

package hano

trait Seq[+A] {
    def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit

    // map, filter etc

Unlike scala.collection.Traversable, this foreach is allowed to be asynchronous.

Setup Dependencies for sbt

Append this in your project definition:

val hano = "com.github.okomok" % "hano_2.9.0" % "0.1.0"
val okomokReleases = "okomok releases" at "http://okomok.github.com/maven-repo/releases"


Shunsuke Sogame <okomok@gmail.com>

[neue cc - Reactive Extensions Introduction]: http://neue.cc/2010/07/28_269.html "neue cc - Reactive Extensions?u?a + ????b?h???c?d?a?" [scala.Responder]: http://scala.sygneca.com/libs/responder "scala.Responder" [scala.collection.Traversable]: http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/Traversable.html "scala.collection.Traversable" [scala-arm]: http://github.com/jsuereth/scala-arm "scala-arm" [ARM in Java]: http://www.infoq.com/news/2010/08/arm-blocks "Automatic Resource Management in Java"