
diagrams.net shape libraries with AWS Architecture Icons

diagrams.net AWS Architecture Icons

AWS Architecture Icons version: 2023-04-28

What is it?

Shapes library with AWS Architecture Icons for diagrams.net (formerly draw.io) application.

The library can be loaded into diagrams.net by downloading particular xml files and loading them into application or using links provided below.

How it's different from the built-in AWS shapes library?

  • more up-to-date
  • shapes have connection points
  • shapes size is 50x50 px instead of 78x78 px (I found it much more suitable personally)
  • version with a single library with all the icons

Library links

  • click to add to diagrams.net (may take few seconds to load)
  • add manually (for example to diagrams.net on Atlassian Confluence): select File → Open Library from → URL and put: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-radzikowski/diagrams-aws-icons/master/20230428/AWS Architecture Icons 20230428.xml

Previous versions

Generating library

Icons library is generated using icons-asset-generator:

poetry run icons-asset-generator \
    --filename-includes _48 \
    --filename-excludes Dark \
    --image-name-remove Light Arch_ Res_ _48 . - _  \
    --library-name-remove  . - _ \
    --path "./Asset-Package_04302022/" \
    diagrams.net \
    --size height=50


All right to the icons belong to Amazon Web Services.