
An opensource hardware like Maple created by Leaflab. This board is disigned to make Maple mini smaller and easier to assemed for our works!

Primary LanguageKiCad Layout

Micro Maple

Micro Maple is an opensource hardware like Maple mini created by Leaflab and disigned to realize our idea and creat our works more quickly and simply !

Basically, STM32F103C8T6 works as the core -- it's very cheap and enough for our most ideas!

The features of STM32F103C8T6:

  • ARM 32bits Cortex-M3 CPU
    • 72MHz, 1.25DMips/MHz(Dhrystone 2.1)
    • single cycle for Multiplication and Division
  • 64K FLASH And 20K SRAM
  • Two 12bits ADC, 1 us for transition
  • 7 channel DMA for USART\Timer\ADC\SPI\IIC
  • 16 External Interrupt
  • 7 Timer
  • Interface
    • 2 IIC
    • 3 USART
    • 3 SPI
    • CAN
    • USB2.0

Micro Maple (中文)

Micro Maple 是类似于 Maple Mini(由Leaflab设计) 的开源硬件,设计初衷是让我们实现自己的想法和作品更加简单和快捷。