
fast-food-fast ​ is a food delivery service app for a restaurant

Primary LanguageHTML


Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

fast-food-fast app is a food delivery service app for a restaurant.

Project overview

A template for fast-food-fast app with the features below.

Project links

  1. https://okoroemeka.github.io/fast-food-fast/UI
  2. https://fast-food-fast-12.herokuapp.com)

project UI template and Heroku app

Required features

  1. Users can Place order
  2. Admin users can create edit and delete food items
  3. Admin user can update order status
  4. Admin user can get all order
  5. Admin user can get specific order

Technologies used

  1. Html and Css on the front end
  2. Nodejs
  3. Expressjs frame work
  4. Mocha,Chai,Chai-Http for test

API End Points

Verb Enpoints Action Description
GET /orders fetch all orders Get all available order
POST /orders create order creates a new order
GET /orders/:orderId fetch specific order view specific order
PUT /orders/:orderId update an order status modify a particular order status

Setting up Locally

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. cd to fast-food-fast
  3. Run npm install
  4. Start app with npm start


Run npm test


Okoro Emeka.