
Tiny C++17 binary PostgreSQL wrapper

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Tiny C++17 wrapper for libpq providing a binary interface to PostgreSQL.


  • libpq


The table created using:

CREATE TABLE characters( id bigint, name text );

can be queried with:

#include <ppq.h>

    ppq::connection connection( "postgresql://user:password@server/database" );

    ppq::result result = connection.execute( "SELECT id, name FROM characters WHERE id = $1", 1ll );
    for ( ppq::row row : result )
        std::cout << row.at< int64_t >( 0 ) << " - " << row.at< char const* >( 1 ) << std::endl;
catch ( ppq::exception const& e )
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

There is also a way to prepare queries:

connection.prepare( "get_character", "SELECT id, name FROM characters WHERE id = $1" );
connection.execute_prepared( "get_characters", 1ll );

Parameters of type std::vector are also supported:

std::vector< int64_t > ids{ 1ll, 2ll };
ppq::result result = connection.execute( "SELECT name FROM characters WHERE id = ANY($1)", ids );


Other types can be added by providing a specialization of

template< typename T >
constexpr T to_network( T value );

which should return the data in a format that can be sent over the wire and

template< typename T >
constexpr T from_network( char const* value );

which will construct an object from the network data. By default it tries to call the constructor T( char const* ).