
Client-server project. A weather platform which alerts regarding temperature change. Using React and openweathermap API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather Alerts platform

Platform which alerts regarding extreme temperature change

Weather app platform

Created by: Orit Kozolin

App Functional requirenments

Basic functionality

  • Loader - hide the data, until it is being loaded (show it for a constant time of 3 seconds)

  • A title which will present the current time. formatted as followed: 24/12/2020, 13:40

  • Upload button - On click, will open a file selection dialog, given a csv file to upload, which will override the current alerts. (See example csv file)

  • Alerts table

    • City: name of a city in the globe.
    • Condition: a boolean expression, which defines whether the alert is active or not, contains the desired weather condition, see example in the csv file. Can Include only the following conditions: < , >, =.
    • Last triggered: the last time when the alert status was changed from non active to active, Formatted as followed: (24/12/2020, 13:40).
    • Status: red icon if the condition is true, green otherwise.
    • Duration: the elapsed time when the alert was/is in active status. (Format: HH:mm:ss, assume no more than 99 hours)
    • Table should be sorted by active status first (red > green) and by city name. The page should be refreshed automatically , with a minimum resolution of 1 minute.

Tech Stack

  • Client: React + Material UI
  • Server: Express (Node)

Getting Started

Development mode

  • For the Server
npm start
  • For the Client
npm start