so long
- MLX42 Codam
- Textures Camilo Luis Berneri
- Sounds John Cummins
Work still very much in progress
- no norminette
- possible memory leaks
- ugly code
- not the best documentation
Disclaimer: This project was done outside of my core studies in a hope to demonstrate how far the projects in the C can get you after studying at 42 for several months, as well as to provide a bnding experience and a friendly competition to the possible future students. Use as is. It currently works best (only) in FullHD, 1920x1080 resolution.
- Get linux
- Git clone the repo
- go to the folder in your favourite terminal
- run 'make'
- run the game ./and_thanks_for_all_the_fish
- Have fun
to do in v 0.2:
- get the name of the player (and the coalition)
- confirm the name and coalition and let user retry
- save the name of the player in the file, save its score, save the current time.
- read the file, sort the results (score first, time second), show 10 highscores
- do not exit the game, let people try again with different name without restarting the program,
- player has more than one life
to do in v 0.3
- Use actual time for animation and movement (100%)
- add a randomly generated map as one level (300%)
- add soundeffects and background music (95%)
- orientation dependent tetures (100%)
- better textures (50%)
- add new libft with updated printf (100%)
- Freeze frame and stop time and add sound for completing a level or dying (100%)
to do in the future:
- GUI instead of terminal
- different enemy types
- player can fight back
- real time score
- smoother movement
- more animations
- more maps