
Django, React, Bootstrap 4 with Python 3 and webpack project boilerplate

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT

Django React Boilerplate


A Django project boilerplate/template with lots of state of the art libraries and tools like:

For continuous integration, a CircleCI configuration .circleci/config.yml is included.

Also, includes a Heroku app.json and a working Django production.py settings, enabling easy deployments with 'Deploy to Heroku' button. Those Heroku plugins are included in app.json:

  • PostgreSQL, for DB
  • Redis, for Celery
  • Sendgrid, for e-mail sending
  • Papertrail, for logs and platform errors alerts (must set them manually)

This is a good starting point for modern Python/JavaScript web projects.

Project bootstrap CircleCI Greenkeeper badge

  • Install Django with pip install django, to have the django-admin command available.
  • Open the command line and go to the directory you want to start your project in.
  • Start your project using:
django-admin startproject theprojectname --extension py,yml,json --name Procfile,README.md,.env.example --template=https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-react-boilerplate/archive/boilerplate-release.zip
  • Above: don't forget the --extension and --name params! (also don't forget to change theprojectname to your project's name).
  • Navigate to the project's directory through your command line.
  • Install pipenv if not installed yet: pip install pipenv (maybe you'll have to run this command as an OS superuser).
  • Make sure you have Python 3.6 installed.
  • pipenv install --dev
  • Activate the newly created virtualenv with pipenv shell
  • npm update --save
  • npm update --save-dev
  • Check for outdated npm dependencies with npm outdated and update them.
  • Change the first line of README to the name of the project.
  • Add an email address to the ADMINS settings variable in {{project_name}}/{{project_name}}/settings/base.py
  • Change the SERVER_EMAIL to the email address used to send e-mails in {{project_name}}/{{project_name}}/settings/production.py
  • Rename the folder circleci to .circleci with the command mv circleci .circleci

After completing ALL of the above, remove this Project bootstrap section from the project README. Then follow Running below.



  • On project root, do the following:
  • Create a copy of {{project_name}}/settings/local.py.example:
     cp {{project_name}}/settings/local.py.example {{project_name}}/settings/local.py (remembering you should replace {{project_name}} with your project's name!).
  • Create a copy of .env.example:
    cp .env.example .env
  • Create the migrations for users app (do this, then remove this line from the README):
    python manage.py makemigrations
  • Run the migrations:
    python manage.py migrate


Running the project

  • Open a command line window and go to the project's directory.
  • pipenv install --dev
  • npm install
  • npm run start
  • Open another command line window and go to the project's directory.
  • pipenv shell
  • python manage.py runserver


  • Open a command line window and go to the project's directory
  • pipenv shell
  • python manage.py celery


make test

Will run django tests using --keepdb and --parallel. You may pass a path to the desired test module in the make command. E.g.:

make test someapp.tests.test_views

Adding new pypi libs

Just run pipenv install LIB_NAME_ON_PYPI and then pipenv lock to lock the version in Pipfile.lock file


  • Manually with prospector and npm run lint on project root.
  • During development with an editor compatible with prospector and ESLint.

Pre-commit hooks

  • Run pre-commit install to enable the hook into your git repo. The hook will run automatically for each commit.
  • Run git commit -m "Your message" -n to skip the hook if you need.

Commercial Support

This project, as other Vinta open-source projects, is used in products of Vinta clients. We are always looking for exciting work, so if you need any commercial support, feel free to get in touch: contact@vinta.com.br

Copyright (c) 2018 Vinta Serviços e Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda. MIT License