
Examples of using Symfony service decorators from our blog

Primary LanguagePHP

This gives several examples of using Symfony decorators in Drupal 8.

See the Phase2 blog for details.

To play with this, first enable the test_decorator_core module, which provides the core service being overridden.

Then, enable different combination of the other decorator modules and run the drush php-eval "test_decorator_core()" command to see which order the different services run.

For example, enable test_decorator_a and run drush php-eval "test_decorator_core()" and you should see:

Decorator A Public
Core Protected
Core Public

which shows that the test_decorator_a ran first followed by the normal core service.


A simple decorator that extends the core service.


Implements the core service interface rather than subclassing.


A subclass decorator with a lower priority than decorator_a.


A subclass decorator with a higher priorty than decorator_a.


Yet another subclass decorator with the same priority as decorator_a.


A subclass decorator that overrides a protected method.