
Shotgun Tour of Drupal Migrate

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Migrate Shotgun Tour

Ryan Weal & Novella Chiechi

Kafei Interactive Inc.

2016-09-01 San José, Costa Rica; 2016-06-17 Montréal, Québec, Canada

Formatted as slides here: https://kafeiinteractif.github.io/shotgun-migrate-tour/#/

What is migrate?

  • We are going to install Drupal 8
  • Connect to (a copy?) of the old site
  • Install migration modules
  • Auto or manually configure the migraitons
  • Sources, Processors, Destinations (plugins)
  • Run the migration! Import content!

Historical Note

###Forget what you know about migrate for Drupal 7

  • Creates content types
  • Imports things now in core
  • Tries to preserve settings
  • Turnkey solution for some users


core (8.1.x and up)

  • migrate
  • migrate_drupal
  • migrate_drupal_ui

contrib (8.2.x branches and up only!)

  • migrate_plus
  • migrate_tools
  • migrate_upgrade

shell (a recent version supporting Drupal 8)

  • drush (drupal console also has some things)

modules : other sources


  • migrate_source_csv
  • migrate_source_json
  • xml (part of migrate_plus)
  • wordpress_migrate

Migration approaches

Automatic Hybrid Manual

Let Drupal detect whatever it can migrate, run all the possible migrations.

  • migrate
  • migrate_drupal
  • migrate_drupal_ui

Let Drupal detect what it can migrate, and then modify that configuration before running it.

     <li>migrate_upgrade (contrib)</li>

  <p>+automatic +manual</p>
  <td><p>Construct your own migrations, defined in configuration-like files.</p>


Automatic Method

As a goat, I don't want to do any configuration or coding. I just want my content from Drupal 6 (or 7) and I want it now. Why would I want to install Drush?

At the end of this section you will know how to run migrations using the UI.

Automatic Method Setup

  • Modules: migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_drupal_ui
  • Visit /upgrade after enabling these modules
  • Input DB and file paths
  • Run it.

Import success!

Add D7 hash to settings.php!

Automatic Method Extras

Possible to pre-fill database values in UI using hook_form_alter:

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function migrate_presets_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'migrate_drupal_ui_form') {
    $form['database']['settings']['mysql']['host']['#default_value'] = 'db';
    $form['database']['settings']['mysql']['database']['#default_value'] = 'cooks_legacy';
    $form['database']['settings']['mysql']['username']['#default_value'] = 'root';
    $form['database']['settings']['mysql']['password']['#value'] = 'my-secret-pw';
    $form['database']['settings']['mysql']['advanced_options']['port']['#default_value'] = '3306';
    $form['source']['source_base_path']['#default_value'] = '/path/to/files';

There is also a settings.php hack but it does not work for UI.

Automatic Method: Further reading

Hybrid Method

As a goat, I know writing code from scatch can take a long time, but migrate can detect all of my configuration so I can skip that. I only want to run part of it. Or I want to change it just a bit.

At the end of this section you will have working knowledge of how to use drush for migrations.

Hybrid Method Setup

Migrating from Drupal 6 or 7

  • Enable: migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_drupal_ui, migrate_tools, migrate_plus, migrate_upgrade

  • Install drush

  • Add 'upgrade' database to settings.php if you don't want to put on command line each time:

    $databases['upgrade']['default'] = array (
       'database' => 'cooks_legacy',
       'username' => 'root',
       'password' => 'my-secret-pw',
       'prefix' => '', 
       'host' => 'db',
       'port' => '3306',
       'namespace' => 'Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql',
       'driver' => 'mysql',

The 'upgrade' database key is only used with migrate_upgrade module.

Hybrid Method Discovery

  • load the config, only run a few? or,
  • export the config
  • modify the config
  • import the new config
  • run the config

Hybrid Workflow: Export

Configure the Migrations

drush migrate-upgrade \
--legacy-db-url=mysql://user:password@server/db \
--legacy-root=http://example.com \

Remember if you created 'upgrade' db in settings.php you can skip the --legacy-db-url.

 # drush migrate-status                                                    
 Group: migrate_drupal_6                         Status  Total  Imported  Unprocessed  Last imported 
 upgrade_block_content_type                      Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_contact_category                        Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_date_formats                         Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_dblog_settings                       Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_file_settings                        Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_imagecache_presets                   Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_search_settings                      Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_cron                          Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_date                          Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_system_file                          Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_system_image                         Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_system_image_gd                      Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_logging                       Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_maintenance                   Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_performance                   Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_rss                           Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_system_site                          Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_url_alias                            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_user_mail                            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_user_settings                        Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_menu_settings                           Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_search_page                             Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_taxonomy_settings                       Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_text_settings                           Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_update_settings                         Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_block_content_body_field                Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_contact_settings                     Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_menu                                    Idle    4      0         4                          
 upgrade_d6_filter_format                        Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_custom_block                         Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_user_role                            Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_block                                Idle    36     0         36                         
 upgrade_d6_file                                 Idle    683    0         683                        
 upgrade_d6_user_picture_file                    Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_user_picture_field                      Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_user_picture_field_instance             Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_user_picture_entity_display             Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_user_picture_entity_form_display        Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_user                                 Idle    4      0         4                          
 upgrade_d6_node_type                            Idle    6      0         6                          
 upgrade_d6_node_settings                        Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_field                                Idle    12     0         12                         
 upgrade_d6_field_instance                       Idle    15     0         15                         
 upgrade_d6_field_instance_widget_settings       Idle    15     0         15                         
 upgrade_d6_view_modes                           Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_field_formatter_settings             Idle    33     0         33                         
 upgrade_d6_upload_field                         Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_upload_field_instance                Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_node_blog                            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_chef_profile                    Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_node_page                            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_poll                            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_recipe                          Idle    4      0         4                          
 upgrade_d6_node_story                           Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_type                         Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_field                        Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_field_instance               Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_entity_display               Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_entity_form_display          Idle    3      0         3                          
 upgrade_d6_comment                              Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_comment_entity_form_display_subject  Idle    2      0         2                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_blog                   Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_chef_profile           Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_page                   Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_poll                   Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_recipe                 Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_revision_story                  Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_node_setting_promote                 Idle    6      0         6                          
 upgrade_d6_node_setting_status                  Idle    6      0         6                          
 upgrade_d6_node_setting_sticky                  Idle    6      0         6                          
 upgrade_user_profile_field                      Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_user_profile_field_instance             Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_user_profile_entity_display             Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_user_profile_entity_form_display        Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_profile_values                       Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_taxonomy_vocabulary                  Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_taxonomy_term                        Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_upload                               Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_upload_entity_display                Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_upload_entity_form_display           Idle    1      0         1                          
 upgrade_d6_user_contact_settings                Idle    4      0         4                          
 upgrade_d6_vocabulary_field                     Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_vocabulary_field_instance            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_vocabulary_entity_display            Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_d6_vocabulary_entity_form_display       Idle    0      0         0                          
 upgrade_menu_links                              Idle    0      0         0         

Hybrid Workflow: Export

Export as config

drush config-export

Everything should now be in your config folder.

Hybrid Workflow: Remix

Edit migrate_plus.migration.d6_user.yml

id: d6_user
label: User accounts
  - Drupal 6
  plugin: d6_user
  uid: uid 
  name: name
  pass: pass
  mail: mail
  created: created
  access: access
  login: login
  status: status
    plugin: user_update_7002
    source: timezone
  preferred_langcode: language
  init: init
    plugin: migration
    migration: d6_user_role
    source: roles
    plugin: migration
    migration: d6_user_picture_file
    source: uid 
    no_stub: true
  plugin: entity:user
  md5_passwords: true
    - d6_user_role
    - d6_user_picture_file
    - user_picture_entity_display
    - user_picture_entity_form_display

Hybrid Workflow: Process Chain

Implicit get plugin:

  title: subject

Specific process plugin:

    plugin: migration
    migration: users
    source: author

Chained process: d process: format: - plugin: machine_name source: name - plugin: dedupe_entity entity_type: filter_format field: format

Hybrid Workflow: run the migraitons

Import your configuration if you made changes.

drush config-import

Run all migrations!

drush migrate-import --all

Or run only a single migration:

drush migrate-import d6_user

Hybrid Workflow: Further Reading

Manual Method

As a goat, I have narrowed my use case to just what I need and I would like to be all zen and do it from scratch.

All the details of configuring a migration.

Manual Method Setup

Migrating from everything else

  • Enable: migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_drupal_ui, migrate_tools, migrate_plus, migrate_upgrade

  • Install drush

  • For DB migraitons, add 'migrate' database to settings.php:

    $databases['migrate']['default'] = array (
       'database' => 'cooks_legacy',
       'username' => 'root',
       'password' => 'my-secret-pw',
       'prefix' => '', 
       'host' => 'db',
       'port' => '3306',
       'namespace' => 'Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql',
       'driver' => 'mysql',

You can import from multiple DBs by using migration groups and corresponding key name.

Manual Method Custom Module

We are not going to use the 'migrate' database we put into settings.php. We will just use a text file called animals.csv.

rcw@mojito:~/migrate_demo$ tree
├── animals.csv
├── config
│   └── install
│       └── migrate_plus.migration.animals.yml
└── migrate_demo.info.yml

The file only has one column.

rcw@mojito:~/migrate_demo$ cat animals.csv 

Manual method, after enabling

# drush ms                                             
Group: default  Status  Total  Imported  Unprocessed  Last imported 
animals         Idle    4      0         4   

Now import!

# drush mi animals
Processed 4 items (4 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done    [status]
with 'animals'

Migration represented as config

using migrate_plus

rcw@mojito:~/migrate_demo/config/install$ cat migrate_plus.migration.animals.yml 
# The source data is in CSV files, so we use the 'csv' source plugin.
id: animals
label: CSV file migration
  - CSV
  plugin: csv
  # Full path to the file.
  path: /var/www/html/modules/migration_dev/migrate_demo/animals.csv
  header_row_count: 0
    - id
      id: Identifier
  plugin: entity:node
    plugin: default_value
    default_value: article
  title: id 

Manual Method: Further Reading

Migrations are Plugins

As a goat, I want to know every detail of what I am working with, extend it in new ways, and contribute back to the community.

A brief introduction to plugins.

This whole talk was about Plugins

Who knew?

rcw@mojito:~/katli/repos/drupal/core/modules/migrate_drupal$ tree
├── migrate_drupal.info.yml
├── migrate_drupal.module
├── migrate_drupal.services.yml
├── src
│   ├── Annotation
│   │   └── MigrateCckField.php
│   ├── MigrationConfigurationTrait.php
│   ├── MigrationCreationTrait.php
│   ├── Plugin
│   │   ├── migrate
│   │   │   ├── cckfield
│   │   │   │   └── CckFieldPluginBase.php
│   │   │   ├── CckMigration.php
│   │   │   ├── destination
│   │   │   │   └── EntityFieldStorageConfig.php
│   │   │   └── source
│   │   │       ├── d6
│   │   │       │   └── i18nVariable.php
│   │   │       ├── d7
│   │   │       │   └── FieldableEntity.php
│   │   │       ├── DrupalSqlBase.php
│   │   │       ├── EmptySource.php
│   │   │       ├── VariableMultiRow.php
│   │   │       └── Variable.php
│   │   └── MigrateCckFieldInterface.php
│   └── Tests
│       └── StubTestTrait.php

Plugin Structure

Single file, no registration, just rebuild cache.

rcw@mojito:~/katli/repos/drupal/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/process$ cat Concat.php 

namespace Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process;

use Drupal\migrate\MigrateException;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateExecutableInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\ProcessPluginBase;
use Drupal\migrate\Row;

 * Concatenates the strings in the current value.
 * @MigrateProcessPlugin(
 *   id = "concat",
 *   handle_multiples = TRUE
 * )
class Concat extends ProcessPluginBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Concatenates the strings in the current value.
  public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $delimiter = isset($this->configuration['delimiter']) ? $this->configuration['delimiter'] : '';
      return implode($delimiter, $value);
    else {
      throw new MigrateException(sprintf('%s is not an array', var_export($value, TRUE)));


Remember to update the annotation (comment) as it is processed.

Plugins: Further Reading




The Kafei Interactive logo and wordmark is a trademark of Kafei Interactive Inc. (Canada).