
Upload and view photos in VR

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Stories in Ready

Phodome allows social media users the ability to upload and view photos with a virtual reality feel.


  • Product Owner: Jon Eleiott
  • Scrum Master: Riyaz Ahmed
  • Development Team Members: John Oksasoglu, Tony Tan

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development a. Installing Dependencies b. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing


Start using Phodome here


The app is designed to be used as a single page web application. For development and running the application locally, see instructions below.


Phodome app is deployed on Heroku, and is built using the following tech stack:

Design language: Google Material Design (via Material-UI for React)
Front-end framework: React
Web-based VR framework: Aframe
Back-end framework: Express
Server: Node
Testing Frameworks: Travis CI, Mocha, Chai, Karma, Enzyme

The express server is contained in app.js, with the react components contained in the client folder. The test files are seperated neatly into test/client and test/server in the test folders, and the server and db software is contained in the server folder.

Technical work was done to mathematically render the dome positions in the sphere-math folder, and page load speeds were tested via Google PageSpeed Insights, with results placed in the load-speed folder. As a result of page load speed testing, Gzip compression was enabled via the Compression middleware for Express to improve load speeds.

Front-End Structure

All client code is located inside the /client folder. /client/src/ contains all JavaScript modules (React components and otherwise) that are eventually bundled, by Webpack, into /client/build/bundle.js. /client/src/app.js serves as the entry point used by Webpack when bundling. /client/src/components contains all of the project's React components, while /client/src/util contains non-React modules (which is currently only sphereMath.js, used for calculating photo positions).

/client/index.html is the app's welcome page (completely static), while /client/app.html is the actual Phodome VR application that uses /client/build/bundle.js. All other static assets are inside /client/assets.

React Components

Phodome consists of two primary components: the non-VR <Sidebar>, which renders the sidebar for user actions (going home and uploading photos), and <PhodomeScene>, which contains the entirety of the VR application. <PhodomeScene> itself then contains a <Camera>, <Sky>, and <Dome>. <Dome> is the container for all <Image> components, and <Dome> is what makes use of the sphereMath module to calculate <Image> positions.

Front-End Testing

Mocha, Chai, and Enzyme are the core of Phodome's front-end testing. Enzyme allows us to selectively render parts of our application and test our React components, but because VR depends on several browser APIs that do not exist in Node, it is necessary to use Karma to run our front-end tests in a real browser environment (Chrome, specifically) rather than in Node. There is additional config inside .travis.yml and karma.conf.js to ensure this runs smoothly with Travis; see comments inside those files for further explanation.

Back-End Structure

The structure and the idea of the server is a mix of the implementation of live server and what we have learnt so far during our mini sprints at hack reactor.

It uses express framework with middlewares like boody-parser, formidable, gm, node-static.

All the server files are under /server /config - holds all the configuration files . since the server here mainly a file server this holds information on the type of files it has to hold , the maximum file server.

/db/models - holds the db information of the URL and Photo table

/db/controllers - For as for now the controller inserts photo information every time a post request is made.

/helpers/fileHelper.js - initURL .. sets up the retun file object for the response validate .. checks if the file is with in the limits of the configuration defined.

/helpers/requestHandler.js -- holds the route path for all the various end points.

/helpers/uploadHandler.js -- holds the actual implementation for the get and post post uses formidable library for recieving files. At first the file chunks are saved in the tmp folder and then moved to actual public/images

Back-End Testing

Server testing is basically endpoint testing , tests have been added for various get requests. For some reason the post doesnt work with tests . But it works using postman app and from the client side library.

Installing Dependencies

a) From within the root directory:

npm install

A postinstall npm script will ensure that Webpack is run and a production bundle.js is generated as soon as install completes.

b) Set up local database:

Download Postgres App Start local database from the Desktop app In the database shell, enter 'create database phodome;'

Running the Application Locally (for Development)

a) Start local instance of the app in the root directory

npm run start

b) In another terminal window, start Webpack watching your files

npm run build watch

c) To run client tests, in another terminal window, start Karma

npm run test:client


npm run test:client:watch

d) To run server tests, in another terminal window, start Mocha

npm run test:server


View the project roadmap here


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.