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Dhakal, K., Seethepalli, A., Griffiths, M., Guo, H., Freschet, G. T., and York, L. M. (2021). Images of copper wires with various diameters for validating root image analysis [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4677545
Dhakal, K., Seethepalli, A., Griffiths, M., Guo, H., Freschet, G. T., and York, L. M. (2021). Scanned images of roots from wild herbaceous species, trees, maize, and wheat [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4677750
Guo, H., Griffiths, M., Seethepalli, A., Dhakal, K., and York, L. M. (2020). Protocol and data analysis scripts for high-throughput phenotyping of specific root respiration [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4247872
Guo, H., Ayalew, H., Seethepalli, A., Dhakal, K., Griffiths, M., Ma, X., and York, L. M. (2020). Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on high-throughput phenotyping of root economics in wheat [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4247893