Accelerator UI Library - React
Cognizant Accelerator UI Component Library for use in React. Based on Carbon-Components-React
TBD - instructions for use in your project.
We use React Storybook for developing components.
Clone the project:
git clone
Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
Start the server:
$ yarn storybook
Open browser to http://localhost:9000/.
Create a branch, with naming convention:
While working on the chore/feature, add a PR with a label
. When ready for review, add labelReady for Review
Component Guidelines
Components for development are found in folder /components
The base components will get periodically updated by pulling from the repo: Carbon-Components-React
Do not edit these components directly. If you wish to create a new component, create a new directory within components with naming convention: Cog_{Component_Name}
Only develop and update components that are prefixed with Cog_
Updating Core Components
Carbon-Components-React Is under active OS development. To benefit from these updates we will need to periodically pull updates from Carbon-Components-React
To update, follow these steps:
git remote add public
git pull public master
git push origin master
Great, our private repo now has the latest code from Carbon-Components-React
Updating CSS
This project uses SASS
The theme can be updated in file: .storybook/_theme.scss
More information on style and theming can be found here: