- 0
- 0
Get Device_Secret
#430 opened by Wusiwug - 5
- 6
- 1
- 8
- 0
[iOS] storedStateManager is randomly not set, which creates sdk authenticated methods rejection
#418 opened by Aeners - 1
Still show pervious user info after calling clearTokens and signIn with another user on Android
#415 opened by FNZXinglong - 1
- 0
config storageProvider
#425 opened by robsoden - 2
Execution failed for task ':okta_okta-react-native:parseReleaseLocalResources' in react native
#332 opened by mahes-waran - 0
Pod install - unexpected token
#420 opened by devpascoe - 6
- 0
Error: Authorization Error: Unexpected response format while retrieving authorization code. Status code: 200
#416 opened by pdwaj - 2
error when call createConfig on android
#402 opened by dioi2000 - 4
Library does not work with react-native-web
#412 opened by myou11 - 4
- 4
- 0
How to update user profile with accessToken?
#400 opened by 0x000111 - 1
- 0
- 5
- 5
Error generating debug R file while building
#323 opened by thekevinbrown - 9
- 12
Okta throws error on refresh token after 24 hours or every morning since July 7th 2023
#376 opened by somasekharkakarla - 6
- 0
- 5
Compilation fails with Xcode 14.3
#357 opened by andersonvom - 0
- 0
IPad InApp Browser size
#362 opened by JothikannanC - 0
How to test using Detox
#355 opened by rajscet - 5
- 2
React Native Android: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This isn't a hierarchical URI.
#339 opened by M21x - 0
Crash on Sign Out in Android
#351 opened by selvananbu - 0
- 0
Not authorized on physical device
#347 opened by raienkoa - 0
Any news about supporting multiple tokens?
#345 opened by Seb-AS - 0
- 2
Unable to get status code
#324 opened by Rakee08 - 2
Authorize with a custom authorization server id
#336 opened by ValentinOUI - 0
#333 opened by sambeetsahu - 3
Sign in not authorized
#330 opened by NatalieDinh - 0
Okta Oidc error code -1000
#328 opened by sambeetsahu - 1
Use of Temporary or One-time password to login
#326 opened by anmoljain10 - 4
Use of authenticate method and sessionToken
#325 opened by anmoljain10 - 2
Updating @okta/okta-auth-js to the latest version
#318 opened by anmoljain10 - 1
Upgrade iOS IODC dependency to version 3.11.2
#320 opened by erinohara - 2
Forgot Password with custom UI
#319 opened by anmoljain10 - 1
Error: Authorization Error: invalid_scope: Custom scopes are not allowed for this request
#315 opened by Fridus - 0
How to do biometrics login?
#313 opened by HadiModarres