This example uses JHipster 8 to generate a micro frontends and reactive microservice architecture. See Micro Frontends for Java Microservices to see how it was built.
- Java 17+
- Node.js 18+
- Docker Desktop
- JHipster 8
Auth0 is an easy-to-implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform. Basically, we make your login box awesome.
To install this example, run the following commands:
git clone micro-frontends-for-java
cd micro-frontends-for-java
JHipster ships with Keycloak when you choose OAuth 2.0 / OIDC as the authentication type. However, you can easily change it to another identity provider, like Auth0!
First, you'll need to register a regular web application. Log in to your Auth0 account (or sign up if you don't have an account). You should have a unique domain like
Select Create Application in the Applications section. Use a name like Micro Frontends
, select Regular Web Applications, and click Create.
Switch to the Settings tab and configure your application settings:
- Allowed Callback URLs:
- Allowed Logout URLs:
Scroll to the bottom and click Save Changes.
In the roles section, create new roles named ROLE_ADMIN
Create a new user account in the users section. Click the Role tab to assign the roles you just created to the new account.
Make sure your new user's email is verified before attempting to log in!
Next, head to Actions > Flows and select Login. Create a new action named Add Roles
and use the default trigger and runtime. Change the onExecutePostLogin
handler to be as follows:
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
const namespace = '';
if (event.authorization) {
api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
This code adds the user's roles to a custom claim (prefixed with
). This claim is mapped to Spring Security authorities in
in the gateway app.
Select Deploy and drag the Add Roles
action to your Login flow.
Edit docker-compose/central-server-config/application.yml
and append the following YAML block to add your Auth0 settings.
audience: https://<your-auth0-domain>/api/v2/
issuer-uri: https://<your-auth0-domain>/ # make sure to include the trailing slash!
client-id: <your-client-id>
client-secret: <your-client-secret>
Build all the Docker images for each application by running the following command from the root directory.
npm run java:docker
The command is slightly different if you're using a Mac with Apple Silicon.
npm run java:docker:arm64
Navigate to the docker-compose
directory and start your microservices stack.
cd docker-compose
docker compose up
Now, Spring Security will be configured to use Auth0, and Consul will distribute these settings to all your microservices. When everything is started, navigate to http://localhost:8080
and click sign in. You will be prompted for your Auth0 credentials.
If you'd like to use Okta for your identity provider, see JHipster's documentation.
This example uses the following open source libraries:
Please post any questions as comments on this example's blog post, or on the Okta Developer Forums.
Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.