
Look at the stars

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

  Hi folks! :)

This is my first try in programming something >>big<< in c 
and this is my first try in programming in c itself :)
.. so please don't kick me for my messy style of writing ..

If you should have any suggestions - please mail me!

what you need:

- gtk 1.2 ( I use libgtk+1.2-1.2.10-25mdk )
- glib 1.2 ( I use libglib1.2-1.2.10-4mdk )
- gnome-vfs ( I use gnome-vfs-1.0.4-4mdk )
- gdk-pixbuf ( I use libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-2.0.0-1mdk )

So you should have gnome installed :)

Should you have the time to test this within a minimal
installation of your distro - please report me, so I can
note this down - thnx!


-- 2002-04-12 01:58 AM

  Hey :)

This evening the settings-dialog should be finished and
you also get some new features :)

- pattern-view:    like tiled-view in nautilus etc.
                   the fade-out feature for background-
                   coloration works here, too!

- thumbnail usage: count the usage of your thumbnails

now I using gentoo-linux... does someone know, why
this archive won't compile anymore if I do a 
"make distclean" ? or what I have to do that this
function works as expected? it worked with mandrake-


-- 2002-06-07 07:09 PM

  Good morning :)

Now this is a bigger release as expected.. it
took me quiet a while until I finished this one
so far as it is now. There where many bugs and
many things that caused me headaches... but
now this one should work stable enough for a

Please send me an email if you have a problem
with my progi ! There are bugs left, but they
won't come out that fast :)

So, go out and brake my program :) 

What's new? You can now load Adobe Acrobat
Reader and PostScript files, too! Even if they
have more than one page! Hmm... but getting
more than one page only works with having
acroread around... please tell me, how to
get a whole page out of a multiple page
postscript-file.. converting postscript to
pdf and back can't be a solution..
Next thing is, you can now load and save
your settings! Thumbnail-usage-counter is not
ready, yet.. :)
Also you can now drag the image in the view-area
around if its too big.. so you don't have to
fiddle around with the scrollbars anymore.. :)
In the end it's got more stable and faster...

That's it for now...


-- 2002-07-16 02:44 AM