This example shows how to leverage Okteto to develop a React + Java Spring Boot (Maven) + MySQL Sample App directly on Okteto Cloud. The Sample App is deployed using a kustomize. It creates the following components:
- A React based frontend.
- A Java Spring Boot api.
- A MySQL database.
- To develop on the frontend component:
$ okteto up frontend
✓ Development container activated
✓ Files synchronized
Namespace: githubid
Name: frontend
Welcome to your development environment. Happy coding!
githubid:frontend okteto> yarn install
githubid:frontend okteto> yarn start
- To develop on the api component:
$ okteto up api
✓ Development container activated
✓ Files synchronized
Namespace: githubid
Name: api
Forward: 5005 -> 5005
Welcome to your development environment. Happy coding!
githubid:api okteto> mvn spring-boot:run