
R package for sentiment text analysis

Primary LanguageR


R package for Twitter sentiment text analysis

If you want quick, no NLP training, headache free sentiment analysis with Twitter text/grammar in R. Try this one!

  • Easy to use, quick to run your own sentiment analysis of Twitter context free grammer

  • No additional installation of NLP components - it uses free sentiment140 service, they do vocaburay training, syntax of hash, http link etc.

  • No need for vacaburary building

  • Default language model is tuned for Twitter message, context free grammer language model_

  • Supported languge: English and Spanish



install_github('sentiment140', 'okugami79')


sentiment('I LOVE #Apple')

sentiment('I hate #Apple')

or you can just pass vector of string message

For help in R,

or any issue contact me Chris Okugami : http://www.facebook.com/christopher.okugami

Manually, training your data specific NLP recogniser

This R-blogger journal article provides you with other R package, NLP parser etc for training sentiment analyser.

R-Blogger Article: "Sentiment analysis with machine learning in R" by Cheng-Jun Wang
