This repo contains HA PostgreSQL instance suitable for deploying to platform. It was forked from fly-apps/postgres-ha[1] only to remove all unnecessary extensions. Check for details.
This repo accompanies Geo IP server repo containing the API server code. Check the link for further details.
[1] There's a newer way how to deploy HA POsthgreSQL instance to which doesn't use stolon and consul but repmgr.
To create a new application running PostgreSQL, run this first:
fly launch --no-deploy
Choose yes when asked whether to copy the existing configuration to the newly generated app and change the application name to your liking.
Following that, run fly secrets
to set required secrets.
fly secrets set SU_PASSWORD=<password1> REPL_PASSWORD=<password2> OPERATOR_PASSWORD=<password3>
Remember to replace each PASSWORD with a proper, unique secret. Also, change PRIMARY_REGION
inside fly.toml to your preferred region (currently set to Amsterdam).
Create a volume of appropriate size (5 GiB should be enough), within the same region as the app (replace ams with your region):
fly volumes create pg_data --region ams --size 5
Answer with 'y' to the Do you still want to use the volumes feature?
And finally, deploy the PostgreSQL server:
fly deploy
If the database starts but the health check keeps returning errors like panic: FLY_CONSUL_URL or CONSUL_URL are required
, make sure to run the following command:
fly consul attach
Almost done. To make things work with MaxMind Geolite2 City data, we need to increase instance's memory from 256 to 512 MiB.
fly scale memory 512
For any further issues, consult the forked repos's documentation.