Experimental Kubernetes Operator to automatically delete completed Jobs and their Pods. Controller listens for changes in Pods created by Jobs and deletes it on Completion.
Some defaults:
- All Namespaces are monitored by default
- Only Pods created by Jobs are monitored
# remember to change namespace in RBAC manifests for monitoring namespaces other than "default"
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lwolf/kube-cleanup-operator/master/deploy/rbac.yaml
# create deployment
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lwolf/kube-cleanup-operator/master/deploy/deployment.yaml
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "run=cleanup-operator" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
# Use simple job to test it
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/examples/controllers/job.yaml
docker pull quay.io/lwolf/kube-cleanup-operator
$ make install_deps
$ make build
$ ./bin/kube-cleanup-operator --help
Usage of ./bin/kube-cleanup-operator:
-namespace string
Watch only this namespaces (omit to operate clusterwide)
Set this flag when running outside of the cluster.
the number of hours to keep a succesfull job
-1 - forever
0 - never (default)
>0 - number of hours
the number of hours to keep a succesfull job
-1 - forever (default)
0 - never
>0 - number of hours
the number of hours to keep a pending job
-1 - forever (default)
0 - forever
>0 - number of hours
Perform dry run, print only
$ ./bin/kube-cleanup-operator --run-outside-cluster --namespace=default --keep-successful=0 --keep-failure=-1 --keep-pending=-1