
:dog: Symfony Datadog integration

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Symfony datadog integration

Symfony Datadog integration to monitor and track for application errors and send notifications about them.

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Use datadog-symfony for:

  • Monitor production applications in realtime.
  • Application performance insights to see when performance is geting degradated.
  • Access to the okvpn_datadog.client through the container.
  • Send notification about errors in Slack, email, telegram, etc.
  • Create JIRA issue when some alarm/exception triggers using this plugin


Install using composer following the official Composer documentation:

  1. Install via composer:
composer require okvpn/datadog-symfony
  1. And add this bundle to your AppKernel:

For Symfony 4+ add bundle to config/bundles.php

return [
    ... //  bundles
    Okvpn\Bundle\DatadogBundle\OkvpnDatadogBundle::class => ['all' => true], 
  1. Base configuration to enable the datadog client in your config.yml
        default: 'datadog://'
        ## More clients
        i2pd_client: 'datadog://,tg2'
        'null': null://null
        mock: mock://mock
        dns: '%env(DD_CLIENT)%'

Where env var looks like:


Access to client via DIC:

$client = $this->container->get('okvpn_datadog.client'); // Default public alias 

// okvpn_datadog.client.default - private services
// okvpn_datadog.client.i2pd_client
// okvpn_datadog.client.null

class FeedController 
    public function __construct(private DogStatsInterface $dogStats){} // default 

class FeedController 
    public function __construct(private DogStatsInterface $i2pdClient){} // i2pd_client
class FeedController extends Controller
    // Inject via arg for Symfony 4+
    #[Route(path: '/', name: 'feeds')]
    public function feedsAction(DogStatsInterface $dogStats, DogStatsInterface $i2pdClient): Response
        return $this->render('feed/feeds.html.twig');

Custom metrics that provided by OkvpnDatadogBundle

Where app metrics namespace.

Name Type Description
app.exception counter Track how many exception occurred in application per second
app.doctrine.median gauge Median execute time of sql query (ms.)
app.doctrine.avg gauge Avg execute time of sql query (ms.)
app.doctrine.count rate Count of sql queries per second
app.doctrine.95percentile gauge 95th percentile of execute time of sql query (ms.)
app.exception event Event then exception is happens
app.http_request timing Measure timing how long it takes to fully render a page


A more complex setup look like this config/packages/ddog.yml:

    profiling: true       # Default false: enable exception, http request etc.
    namespace: app        # Metric namespace
    port: 8125            # datadog udp port
    tags:                 # Default tags which sent with every request
        - example.com
        - cz1
    doctrine: true        # Enable timing for sql query
    exception: all        # Send event on exception
                          #   *all*      - handle all exceptions: logger error context, console error, http error.
                          #   *uncaught* - handle uncaught exceptions: console error, http error.
                          #   *none*     - disable exceptions handler
    dedup_path: null      # Path to save duplicates log records across multiple requests. 
                          # Used to prevent send multiple event on the same error
    dedup_keep_time: 86400 # Time in seconds during which duplicate entries should be suppressed after a given log is sent through
    artifacts_path: null   # Long events is aggregate as artifacts, because datadog event size is limited to 4000 characters.
    handle_exceptions:     # Skip exceptions
            - Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface
            - Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface
        skip_command:     # Skip exception for console command
            - okvpn:message-queue:consume


class FeedController extends Controller
    // Inject via arg for Symfony 4+
    #[Route(path: '/', name: 'feeds')]
    public function feedsAction(DogStatsInterface $dogStats): Response
        return $this->render('feed/feeds.html.twig');

// or use service directly for 3.4
$client = $this->container->get('okvpn_datadog.client');

 * Increment/Decriment
 * Counters track how many times something happens per second, such as page views.
 * @link https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/data_types/#counters
 * @param string          $metrics    Metric(s) to increment
 * @param int             $delta      Value to decrement the metric by
 * @param float           $sampleRate Sample rate of metric
 * @param string[]        $tags       List of tags for this metric
 * @return DogStatsInterface
$client->increment('page.views', 1);
$client->increment('page.load', 1, 0.5, ['tag1' => 'http']);


$consumerPid = getmypid();
$client->set('consumers', $consumerPid);


$client->timing('http.response_time', 256);

See more metrics here DogStatsInterface

Impact on performance

Datadog bundle use UDP protocol to send custom metrics to DogStatsD collector, that usually running on localhost ( Because it uses UDP, your application can send metrics without waiting for a response. DogStatsD aggregates multiple data points for each unique metric into a single data point over a period of time called the flush interval and sends it to Datadog where it is stored and available for graphing alongside the rest of your metrics.



What can be done using datadog.

Datadog custom symfony dashboard


Datadog Anomaly Monitor of running consumers


Live exception event stream


Send notification about errors in telegram.


Create JIRA issue when some alarm/exception triggers



MIT License. See LICENSE.