
Parcel boilerplate for creating Progressive Web Apps and regular web apps with all the good stuff Parcel provides plus additional plugins, configuration and popular libraries out of the box.

Primary LanguageCSS


Parcel boilerplate for creating Progressive Web Apps and regular web apps with all the good stuff Parcel provides plus additional plugins, configuration and popular libraries out of the box.

Installation and usage:

npm install -g parcel-bundler
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build

The features include:

Things for you to do:

  • Delete what you don't need from the project src directory. If you don't need React you can delete the entire /js directory(just leave an empty index.js inside it). You can always start from scratch too.
  • Fill out the manifest.webmanifest file. Your icon should be at least 192x192px for additional functionality. Splash screen support requires bigger picture so it's up to you
  • Fill out the head section of index.html, some of it is similiar to the manifest
  • Service Workers in development are disabled by default. You can test them by setting cache.inDev to true in package.json but they can sometimes screw something up during development like loading outdated files so you should use incognito mode etc.
  • You can adjust the quality of minifed images in imagemin.config.js. Quality 60 seems like a fairly good balance between quality and size but you can turn it down lower

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