
Task-2/3-of-contest-for-ML-engeneer at Skoltech

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Repo for Tasks 2 and 3

Solution for Tasks 2 and 3 of contest for ML engeneer position at Skoltech Applied AI Center by Nikolaev O.V.

In root folder description of the tasks is presented

Задание на позицию инженер исследователь.docx

Task 2

This task is partially completed (first part), no solution coded for question about optimum number of people for party, but here is some intuition:

Intuition is in that approach that we have to invite friends with less connections with other people firstly (degree of a vertex is --> min), and than only invite people with bigger and bigger degree of a the vertex. So, degree of each vertex should be precomputed. Such approach allows to invite most people, which are not familar with each other. (degree of a vertex - number of edges on the node)

In the folder "Task 2" tree files are presented:

  1. module.py - module within classes with methods (simple graph, as well as random graph creation);
  2. task2_solution - Jupiter notebook with description of solution (module.py duplicated inside);
  3. Html version of task2_solution to preserve all pictures.

Task 3

To deal with 3d task (aka Linux), plz download dockerfile ("Dockerfile" from folder Task3) or clone it by git clone.

To build docker image, run such command in terminal in folder with Dockerfile:

sudo docker build --no-cache .

Create container and run it in interactive mode by (NOTE! that docker container ID b9fa7c44b29d will be different in your case):

sudo docker run -it b9fa7c44b29d /bin/bash

If everything will be correct you will see, that your are inside of container:

cd Tools

To obtain results of subtask 1, run command below. It will create file top_words.txt with all words counted and also it will show on display top 30 words (with their count) from file dracula.txt

sh script1.sh

To obtain results of subtask 2, run command below. It will create folder top10_files in which files with name and count frequency are presented, as it required in the task.

sh script2.sh
cd top10_files

To exis docker container run:

To shut down container run:

sudo docker rm 8f4a2cb6f027

And to check active containers/images you can run - list should be empty at the end of the work

sudo docker container ls --all