
Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Build and Begin mvn clean install

Unit tests TODO: Should add more.

CompareTests - com.olacabs.roadrunner.compare.CompareEngine Sample datasets are created on Lucene and Roadrunner. Same queries are sent to both and results are compared. Currently there is some distance inaccuracies in Lucene and around 1% cases, it does not match resulting error. These should be avoided aduring analyis phase. TODO: Should make the city choice, density, device configurable with proper documentation

CompareTests - com.olacabs.roadrunner.compare.CompareEngine

PerormanceTests com.olacabs.roadrunner.performance.PerfTest

Currently cities for simulation are hardcoded. static String[] cities = new String[] {"bangalore"};

TODO:// Make it more configurable from command line. TODO:// Performance test should add to prometheus - docker run -p 9090:9090 -v /....../roadrunner/src/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus TODO:// com.olacabs.roadrunner.monitor should be revisited.

GeoSpatialStore store = indexFactory.setCleanupRecordsInterval(5000).setCheckSumRecordsInterval(50000) .setPartitionBucketInitialCapacity(32).setPartitionBucketSubsequentIncrement(96) .setPartitionBucketCooloffPeriodMilliSeconds(5000). getStore(PerfTest.class.getSimpleName(), 2, 10000, 2, 10000);

setCleanupRecordsInterval - This is the time interval, on which the assets marked moved out are cleared. setCheckSumRecordsInterval - This is the time where all stats are collected for reporting setPartitionBucketInitialCapacity - How many partitions are expected. This is like initial capacity of a Vector setPartitionBucketSubsequentIncrement - Increment size - This is like capacityIncrement of a Vector. setPartitionBucketCooloffPeriodMilliSeconds - This is a lockless store. Some ongoing search queries may see stale data if we delete the record immediately. The cooloff period is the timeout period of a search query. This is there to avoid concurrency issue.

TODO://Do better documentation of setting lat, lon, id and different field types.