
Bug report email: synchronize() & detecteyemovements()

olafdimigen opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks to user Maria for this bug report!

I came across the following issues when using the eye-eeg plugin for eeglab.

In eye-eeg-0.99\synchronize.m

Line 247
Should be
new_ix = zeros(size(ET.event, 1),1);

Instead of
new_ix = zeros(length(ET.event),1);

Also in \eye-eeg-0.99\detecteyemovements.m

Line 240


gives an error – at least with my eeglab data
“Error using cell/ismember (line 34)
Input A of class cell and input B of class char must be cell arrays of character vectors,
unless one is a character vector.”

(Test dataset provided)

Comments: Bug 1 should be fixed in latest code. Bug 2 almost certainly due to user having integers in EEG.event.type which is deprecated and causes ismember() to fail once converted to cell. Hotfix is to convert EEG.event.type to strings using num2str(). ToDo: catch this special case (and possibly convert EEG.event.type to string with user warning).