
Simple tool to collect data from Harvest API and log it in a format that can be pasted into Google Sheets. Created to save myself from many hours of admin work.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tool to collect data from Harvest API (getharvest.com) and log it in a format that can be pasted into Google Sheets. This was something quick that is specialised to my use case however is easily editable - 100% done to save doing a boring admin task.

Setup and run

  • yarn | npm i install dependencies
  • Add ACCESS_TOKEN and ACCOUNT_ID variables in a .env file - this can be generated on your account section in Harvest.
  • node harvest.js
  • You will be prompted how many days back the time entries should go, this is always 24 (* days) hours from the current time.


  • The free version of the Harvest app has limited features so most of the formatting comes from the notes section
  • The data is split by / in the notes, the following format in notes will generate the data below: Client/Project/Task
  • Note the actual string returned will look like: =SPLIT("Date|Client|Project|Notes|Hours", "|")
  • This is so you can simply paste this in Google Sheets and it will go into the related columns
Date  |  Client  |  Project  |  Notes   |   Hours

Example Entry

Example Input