- You must install expo tools before setting up the project, assuming you have
installed npm install expo-cli --global
- Make sure to be in your desired directory
git clone git@github.com:olafkotur/huey.git
npm install
Do this each time package.json has changed, installs all relevant node_modulesexpo start
Starts the local server?
to get more available options
- Using your phone, download the expo client app and scan the barcode in terminal after running
expo start
- Using a simulator, follow the instructions in terminal after running
expo start
Local server settings used by expoassets/
Used for app icons when app is publishedcomponents/
Reusable components and screens written for use of Hueynode_modules/
Libraries installed using npm specified inpackage.json
Images and other media used by the app
When the app is loaded in the first file that is read is App.js
inside this file we have
declared a number of other components (screens) as AppRouter. When we then call the AppRouter
it simply takes the first component that is loaded. In this case it is the LoginScreen
The first half of the class are the functions these are declared as usual, React Native uses
JavaScript ES6 hence the function declartion as such: foobar = () => {}
instead of foobar() {}
For example the Login Screen uses a method handleSignup to allow a user to log in:
handleLogin = async () => {
await firebase
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(this.state.email, this.state.password)
.then(() => this.props.navigation.navigate('HomeScreen'))
.catch(error => this.setState({errorCode: error.code}))
We are able to sign in using an email and password using states to grab our data. States are
extremely useful as they allow us to hold data and trigger an update in our render at the same
time. For example this.state.email
we are access the 'email' state in the current class. You
will see states in every class, they are defined as such:
state = {
email: 'hueyyapp@gmail.com',
password: 'Testing1123',
errorCode: '',
We can set a state by doing this.setState({ password: 'helloWorld1123' })
. This will cause
the render function to update accordingly and show the user relevant information on the screen.
The render()
function plays an important part in React Native as it allows us to generate content
in similar way as we do with HTML. Using <Views>
and other components we are able to create parents and children the way do so using HTML. For example:
render() {
return (
<View style = {styles.container}>
{/* Camera Background */}
ref = { ref => { this.camera = ref; }}
style = { styles.cameraContainer }
type = {this.state.cameraType} >
{/* Toggle Camera */}
<View style = {styles.headingContainer}>
style = {styles.devButtonSmall}
onPress = {() => this.toggleCamera()} >
{/* Capture */}
style = {styles.captureButton}
onPress = {() => this.capturePhoto()} >
Similar to HTML we can attach styling to anything using something very similar to CSS. We are able to declare a stylesheet and apply all kinds of styling props to any object. This can be found in the Styles.js
file and is essentially a great long list of styling instructions for the whole app.
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#273c75',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
containerLight: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#F6F6F6',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',