Berzerk game.

Changelog 09/07/2014 [Cathode] ~ Added functionality: - Sample implementation of Actor base class - RigidBody class for physical interactions, collision detection - LineObject interfaces for manipulating specific elements - Skeleton class allowing synchronization of animation between physics and graphical representations - Asset class capable of importing from ASE format, exporting to and importing from HeliosAssetFile format - Environment class encapsulating the game's execution environment - Craft class providing an example of a derived Actor, implementing pilot controls and showcasing usage of sub-objects - DiskStream class providing a uniform interface for packing/unpacking objects and structures to and from files on disk. - Additional functionality for BRZ::Vec2 class. - Updated game geometry resources, changed the ASE Importer class to parse two new commands (which need to be added by hand to .ASE files), *HELIOS_COLLIDES and *HELIOS_COLOUR r g b a - Configuration file now contains the variables for the craft's thruster powers and rates for dampening of velocity and angular velocity. Mess around with them! - Note that Scene class is still UNIMPLEMENTED. See ENVIRONMENT class for main game-loop logic.

~ Added gitignore whitelist; ~ Barebones renderer added, D3D11 w/ shaders. ~ Added functionality: - Direct3D 11 line object rendering, load from ASE files or created in-code. - Input module, allowing binding of actions to keys, and listening for actions - Configuration module, loading text configuration files to allow variables to be changed without re-compiling. - Working timer class. ~ See Startup.cpp for usage of various bits. ~ Note that Display class still contains testing functionality, requires limited refactoring for clarity. ~ Note that AsteroidGen class is WIP, just messing around a bit there.